Saw it today. Good movie. Agree about the romance part - typical Hollywood. Unnecessary, but will keep certain segments of the audience entertained. Ending was a bit abrupt.
I have never seen The Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars or any of those types of movies. They must be good though, because they are wildly successful.
You should get an ounce of weed, some Funyuns, easy cheese, maybe pickles and baked lays chips, and watch all of them.
Wait...isn't that battle in the next/last installment? I thought that's also when Thorin is killed. The movies are long...plenty of time for romance and death.
It's also a great movie for daughters. And not because of Thauriel. Would her character have been missed? Probably not. However the audience, or some of us, have gotten used to characters like Arwen and Galladriel. Certainly Arwen and Aragorn's romance wasn't a problem, was it? I loved the movie. Peter Jackson has done an admirable job of what was really almost impossible.
No mean to discriminate but I didn't put daughters because mine has ZERO interest in middle earth. I do have to disagree though on Peter Jackson. I think his ego has stood in the way of making what could be spectacular, into making something that is basically a rip off. It's like he is saying Tolkien should have done it this way, and he has completely changed the stories. And parts of the story that could have easily been translated to the big screen. And again elven women flirting with dwarves? Kilo dies in the book so hopefully Tharuiel will too, but now that I think about it, it's gonna be in the battle of the 5 armies and one is gonna see the other die or one saves the others life by giving their lives, then some stupid slow motion scene is gonna happen with some sad harpy music and the one who is alive at that point will die as a slow mostrian. Ugh....
My daughter loves the Hobbit/LOTR movies. She also loved Frozen. Different strokes I guess. I honestly can't think of another director who would have done a better job and if you say James Cameron, I will puke. The books are something special unto themselves. A perfect cinematic replication would have been nearly impossible and probably would have required around 10 movies to include all the intricate detail and story. The budget would have been ginormous. Having seen all the movies so far and comparing them to other Fantasy/Sci Fi series like Harry Potter, Star Wars, I think they are far superior and it's not close.
Yeah. It will be the death of Smaug, the battle of the Five Armies (Elves, Humans, Dwarves and Eagles vs. Orcs), and the assault on Dol Guldur (only mentioned in the book to explain Gandalf's absence)... and of course the auction.
So what are the chances he continues on by making The Silmarillion? That in itself could be another 3-4 movies and we would get a better understanding of Elrod and Galadriel. Not to mention, the screenwriters wouldn't have to make up female characters because there are quite a few in it.