There is huge nostalgia for 50's and 60's toys that Baby Boomers remember from their youth. People buy those old electric football games on Ebay. Rock 'em-Sock 'em robots, Erector sets, steel Tonka trucks, red wagons. A feller down the street bought about 900 Lincoln log pieces on Ebay just so that he could build the giant cavalry fort that he always dreamed about as a kid but could never do with a regular box of 50 pieces. Then he turned around and sold them on Ebay for 10 bucks more than he paid for them.
I had a red wagon too. It was a Radio Flyer. I think every kid in America had one. I wanted an Erector set but I never got one. I'll just have to be satisfied with Viagra. I did have a Lionel Electric Train set. That was the one I played with the most. The electric football game was a huge disappointment.
Naw, I had a ton of Lincoln logs as a kid, got burned out on them. My nostalgia for the 1960's is Bullwinkle. Whenever Bullwinkle comes on TV, I stop what I'm doing and watch it like I'm five again. "Nuthin' up my sleeve." I still have mine in a shed up at the old place. It has gotten pretty rusty but my mom used it for moving potted plants around the yard for 50 years after I upgraded to a bicycle. The guy down the street now has an electric train in his garage. Any day now I expect him to show up with a Davy Crocket coonskin cap and a Roy Rogers guitar.
If I had ever gotten that Roy Rogers Guitar I could have been another Eric Clapton or Stevie Ray Vaughn. I wonder if they had one as kids.
Yeah, I have an android also (hate apple products). And he has an iphone so I assume you can only get it there (for phones). You can run Tor on your computer, just google "Tor project"... though I would advise otherwise, I know some people like to tinker and check out stuff. Personally, I'd rather find a classic car show to put my Camaro in or go see a movie LOL. It's just not worth it.
I downloaded Tor but its zipped in a .mar format. When I tried to download a program that would unzip that format it never would fully download.
Awesome memories, especially the paper football. You scored a TD by getting your folded triangle hanging off the edge of the table without falling off, then you had to 'kick' the XP by thumping that wedge of paper through goal posts made with fingers. Did you also have one of those Mattel electronic football games where you had to avoid the red dots? The white one was run only, then they got fancy and produced the green model that you could pass on.