LSU has earned the status of flagship university by the number of nationally reknown professors on its staff as well as the amount of research done to contibute to the base of scientific knowledge which far exceeds everything done by all other Louisiana universites. LSU is well deserved of the title flagship university in academics and in athletics. When I was a student at LSU I took a history course about the Civil War taught by T. Harry Williams who was considered to be the worlds greatest authority on the Civil War. Does L Tech have a law school? A medical school? A school of denistry or a a vet school? If you want to discuss the history of L Tech sports would you like to compare it to LSU? Womens basketball, Terry Bradshaw, Karl Malone and who or what else?
Why do you ask questions about which you already know the answers? Along that vein, in case you did not know this, Tech tried to build a new research center, microtechnology, in Bossier City, in some cooperative endeavor with the city and several other entities. The money was in place, the site was set, everything was a go, until, someone voiced a concern that Tech was getting too big for its britches. The state legislature supported the LSU-type, and voted to pull back some funding, leaving Tech with no choice but to build a smaller facility on campus. Which, we now have. It is very nice, and it is serving the cause of research and of attracting top students and professors from around the world. Tech is primarily an engineering school. And, a very good one too. Should Tech have a med school? a law school? NO! That is exactly what is wrong with the university system in this state now. Why do Grambling and Southern still exist? They should have been shut down decades ago, in fact, they never should have been created in the first place. We all know why. Today, ULM should revert back to its original mission: a JUCO. Schools like Northwestern State need to pick a niche they are good at, in their case Business, Education, and Nursing, and focus on those. Should Nicholls State have a med school? a law school? Heck, it should be a JUCO too. Why in the heck is LSUA now also a 4-year school? Easy: politics. I have attended Tech, Northwestern State, LSU-BR, LSU-A, and LSU-S, and Texas Woman's University. (don't laugh, I got a lot of dates back then!) I hold three undergraduate degrees, one master's and will have my second master's next summer. I know a little something about the state of higher education in this state. BTW, Louisiana College in Pineville, that I have not attended for any classes, is a VERY good school for undergraduate work. I mean, VERY good. I am most impressed with the quality of those grads. Anyway, I digress. Go Dawgs! Beat the Tigers!
You can say what you want, but someone's opinion of a school is always biased no matter how many schools they have attended or degree's received. It is nearly impossible to compare a complete University in all phases to another, a better comparison is by each individual degree. You are giving the "the man is holding us down" approach to money and accomplishment. Where the money goes is decided by size and contribution to the well being of the state, LSU has a huge head start, not only is it the biggest but it is centered right in the capitol, with some 48 museums, a living history exhibit that is nationally known, and mutilple campuses, how can you honestly say the LSU System isn't the flagship. the school even runs five free hospitals in the state. The only arguement against LSU is that most of it's best graduates are in technology and teaching fields, but Louisiana, because of long standing political stands that have taxed big business and let the people pay less, force those graduates to go to other states for jobs. Teaches are paid nothing in this state, and because there is no reason for big business to come here because of the horrid tax level, graduates of those degree's have to leave. I am a Music Education major, we have one of the top five music ed. degree's in the nation, but we all leave because we could make 10-15 thousand more in another state. The tax programs put in place by Huey long to help out the people are still hurting the state because the politicians won't change it, and for good reason. If they change it they won't be re-elected because tax payers would be mad their taxes went up, even though in the long run it would be best for the state to attract big business and have more money for schools at all levels. LSU is the flagship because the average of all its degree's offered and their overall quality and quantity is higher than that of the other state schools. Not to say LSU is the best in everything, but on average LSU has the advantage. you have to be able to see that.
Been away a couple of days. Actually, the point of my post was that the Techies, not being familiar with this board and Jean Lafitte's unique way of putting things, might not get his point. I wasn't trying to imply a lack of education on the finer points of the Battle of 1812. Anyway, although I often disagree with some of Tiger Educated's opinions, I appreciate the defense.Old Dawg 80 needed to be put back in his place.
What a crybaby. Left LSU ... probably couldn't cut it here in BR and missed his redneck corn-liquor guzzlin' mommy back up north in the pine woods. Bring your entire military history, internet researching, quasi-literate azz to the game for the beating of a lifetime. The Miami beating you got early by 40 points this year was nothing compared to what you have coming at the hands of LSU's defense. Your no-huddle offense won't be able to work by audibles in Tiger Stadium ... soooooooooooooooooooooooo .... you better take some of that quasi-literacy and teach those dawgs "SIGN LANGUAGE" so they can call plays with 90,000+ SCREAMING LSU FANS. Hey, since you are so literate and intelligent, I wonder if you are psychic also ... I'm holding up both hands ................. Tell me how many total fingers, LOL?
Oh, is that what happened? Again, I understood what Jean Lafitte was saying in his post. I don't need anyone to explain it. That was the point of my original reply to you. As for ramah, and playing with your various fingers, thanks for contributing to this thread.
Anytime, General Harlan Q. (for Quasi-literate) Redneck There won't be a Colonel Ross at Tiger Stadium Saturday Nite, Just a pi$$ed off bunch of Tigers playing their hearts out for a General that has them "all-BIDness". Luke Mc"CLOWN" and "Transmission" Davis etcetera, haven't a prayer. So, go play in the traffic until kickoff time. A shutout is very likely, and at least 3-4 INTs will be had for LSU. Good Tune-up game to start NOV and our drive for a BCS Bowl.
Yes dude. We know. You are smarter than the average redneck. You have brick skirting around your trailer and your wife looks better than your best coonhound. Take it over to Free Speech Alley if you want to get into an intellectual discussion of reading comprehension. Otherwise, stick to football (Segue to football)...LSU is going to beat UL-Ruston like a red headed stepchild. Oh might be one of those, sorry.