Gee I guess not. I mean, we are so scared of you guys that I guess we'll never play again. Sorry I think not. See you in September. WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
I hate to admit it, but I could really go for a corndog right now. I like them straight out the heat, with extra mustard and ketchup. The weird thing about it is that I don't even know where you can get a corndog...
Really, its okay, try and keep a positive attitude even though its difficult. Look on the bright side ..... uh, .... How 'bout them Saints ?
dheadtiger is correct that Auburn stole that corndog thing..... He says he saw it used by some Big 10 school in the 90's. Well, the 1st time I ever saw the thing was also in the late 90's and it was in conjunction with Oklahoma State, so apparently this stupid thing makes its' rounds and from time to time another idiot plagerizes it and pawns it off as original. That is what some Auburn douchebag has done here. It's like using an Aggie joke over and over but inserting another team in place of the Aggies. The corndog thing is one of the silliest things I have ever seen on the internet but somehow it doesn't surprise me that it's amausing to Aubies. After all, Auburn is the trailer park of the SEC.