As a CFB fan that has travelled extensively to many tailgates, I can heartily second that motion. Summa the best grub I've been around on gameday. An hey, those Krewe of Corn (sp) guys can do it up right!
SEC Champions 2 of the last 3 years. National Champoions 2003. What has Auburn won ... a pissin' contest with Bama, that is it (Does being claimed a National Champion when your record is 0-0 count for anything ? I didn't think so !) The best they can do is call us corndongs. What I guess since Auburn hasn't won anything that would make them ... vienna sausages ?
I'd like to beat an Auburn fan with a corndog. I'm Gonna beat an Auburn fan with a corndog. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Yea that corndog is gonna do some serious damage dhead. Id bet youre planning on poking their eyes out with the stick arent you? WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
The corndog stick is the perfect size for roasting Aubie babies on a spit. They also make great chopsticks for eating aged Auburn grandmother meat.
We musn't judge all Auburnistas by a few of their nerdish internet geeks. Their weenie-sniffing tendencies are a little disturbing, though. I won't tolerate them nosin' around my corndog.