Oh yes bet the Golden Girls are hard to turn down just ask Paul Dietzel, I wouldn't last one season with that thrown in my face. Ah no pun intended, mmmmmmmm!
I think there are plenty that would love to coach here. The problem as I see it is timing and availability.
I hypothetically asked a similar question in here, I think when Miles was about to win his NC but it looked like Michigan was coming after him. Question being, is there any coach out there for whom LSU would be their "dream job?" Didn't seem to be at the time (I may have even speculated that it could be Steve Ensminger), but its sad to think that the guy finally surfaced, and it was Ed Orgeron.
He thought we said wet-dream job. Where the f is vball. Tell her it’s time to come back. Just a random thought. I think she got a bf that’s setting her straight.
If a name from the coach’s current home base hasn’t leaked by Thursday with certainty tho there might be denials then I’m afraid the fish ain’t nibbling and the Woodman -to paraphrase James Caan in Godfather - is walking out of the men’s room with just his dick in his hands . By Saturday night in the stadium the new guys name should be being heard more than ’Geaux Tigers ‘