We ain’t afraid of any stinking 1 year extension! You think a 1 year extension is gong to make it cost prohibitive to steal him away? If Oregon wants to keep him, tear up the old contract and sign him to a new 7 yr. deal.
lol,.. it was an automatic extension for winning 9 games this year,.. no doubt we'll wheel out the checkbook at season's end
Says likely Mel Tucker I think I've been pretty open minded, but Mel Tucker's inability to coach Defense would not be Swinging for the Fences & would be a highly disappointing hire to many LSU fans, imo Unless Woodward wants to be seen as "Woke". Michigan State: (11-16-21) #113 of 130 Total Defense #130 of 130 Pass Defense (Dead last in CFB)
Dave Aranda is of Mexican decent. He's also a good coach that won a Championship at LSU on the Defensive side.