I’d listen to a kiffen argument. Really want an inspired play caller, not just a ball coach. I like Aranda also, but just watched highlights where BYU was having a good amount of offensive success.
Good question. If Kiffin jumps to LSU, he'd likely be here awhile He's already well traveled for a Head Coachat the age of 46 . I think he needs to prove he can settle into a job & bring consistency. Job hopping I know is a minus for some coaches. At some point hesl going to get tagged as a "Happy Feet" coach. Temporary fix for a long term problem. Not sure of his NFL aspirations. But I suspect if we take him, he'll stick around.
That's a great question. I think he's a guy who would jump at a second chance at the NFL if the right team came calling. I don't know enough about him to know that there's a college gig out there that he wants above all others.
I have never thought that much of Kiffin. Seemed more hype than substance. But he certainly out coached our staff yesterday.
I don't know why the media is hyping a homerun hire. I know guys like Mosconas & Culottas etc. keep saying Woodward's a Big game hunter & that he Swings for the Fences. So much so, you'd think Scott Woodard was Babe Ruth. I guess we'll see. Personally, I just want a very good, solid hire. I don't really have a favorite yet.
It sounds like we might be trying to get the best coach money can buy (Lincoln Riley?). If he’s an offensive savant I’d be ok with it, but that’s a lot of money. Maybe kiffen would be as good for less money. Aranda is a smart defensive mind, but I’d love a dominant D like we used to have vs bend/don’t break.
You where “shocked at how well his Defense actually played”! Recalibrate! They were playing our offense, which is incapable of making in game adjustments.