So many of these questions are unanswered, and they're trying to figure it out here as we speak. But they've got to get the people out. Trust me, there is some concern and trepidation about this in Houston, but that pales in comparison to the danger these poor people are in. I've been impressed with the outpouring of help thus far, and sincerely hope it continues.
They will have a curfew at night. They will also be given passes so that during the days they can travel around the city. This is from the mouth of the governor of Texas. Whoever said they are bringing prisoners there, that is not correct.
Not sure where those prisoners are going, but WJBO said they are evacuating them out of New Orleans. Angola would be a nice place...
a gas station on acadian (next to bawell, the cut through between acadian and college) was broken into when the power was out, I guess you could call it looting.
but they are looking at easier targets than BR... I mean they dont want the trouble of fighting people
You know, if there are 100K people left in NO, I think the vast preponderance of them are not looting. A lot of them didn’t have the means to get out of the city. Being poor never has automatically made someone a criminal. A lot of people who had the means to get out certainly do not have the means to survive months without work and their home. A lot of folk are going to need a lot of help for a very long time. These folk will be frustrated and angry and may not seem deserving of our sympathies. But they do deserve whatever hand we can extend. For many, homes will be condemned. After being evacuated, there truly may be nothing left to come back to. Our hearts should focus on these souls. Those that cross the line and become predators, however, should be treated as terrorist and charged with treason. Standing in the way of those trying to provide relief is murderous behavior and should be dealt with in a public, expedient, and severe manner. It is always the malcontent and evil that misdirects our attention from the task at hand. Make short work of these folk and we can get back to caring for those who are in dire need of our assistance.
I agree. There have been a few people shown on tv that did not have the means to get out, and are just trying to survive, and they are doing so within the boundaries of the law. The ones I have seen interview have just as much disdain for the thugs as the rest of us. I think the majority that are still there are law abiding, but those that are not are being focused on and making it look like all of them are criminals.