The Box - Attendance

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by GMoney2600, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    There are two different attendance figures, actual and paid. And it's really strange how LSU reports the paid attendance during the regular season.

    First, the official capacity at The Box is 7,760. I can guarantee you that we didn't have 900 people over capacity at the ULL game in 2000. During the regular season, LSU will continue to sell tickets, even if it's a sellout, until all the seats are full. That's why our official paid attendance record is 8,622. All those no show seats are sold again to someone else. This practice is not allowed by the NCAA during postseason.

    The LSU Baseball Media Guide doesn't list the highest actual attendance, so I can't verify if 7,606 is a valid number ... but I suspect that's pretty close.
  2. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    How do you resell no show tickets? Do people actually return their tickets?
  3. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    I am not sure exactly how it works ... I remember having a conversation with a co-worker earlier this year when he went to the Nicholls State game, which was a midweek game. He got there after the game started and said people were walking up and still buying tickets. The next morning he saw the paid attendance of 8,195 for the game and busted out laughing. He said the actual attendance couldn't have been more than 4,000.

    He inquired about this the next game he went to and was told that they will continue to sell tickets as long as seats are available.

    If capacity is 7,760 and only 4,000 show up ... how do you get an attendance figure of 8,195? Obviously, you keep selling tickets to walk ups!
  4. jcnumberone

    jcnumberone Founding Member

    Sep 23, 2003
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    yeah, and while you are at it, just tear down Tiger Stadium as well.... it is getting old..... whatever..... The Box may be old but it has mystique, charisma, and not to mention "tradition." There is a lot more room than people think at The Box for renovations; they could easily expand capacity to 10,000, if not more.
  5. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    It's not as much more seats or newer facility as it is a new field. Right now when it rains the outfield is a swamp and stays that way for days. For all the money it would cost to put in better drainage raise the level of the field add new stands and renovate the rest of the box Skip feels LSU would be better off just building a new stadium. I love the Box and LSU tradition but if you think about it the Box and LSU Baseball are Skips baby that he raised from birth, I trust that if he does indeed build a new stadium he will do it right and make it something that LSU fans will love and be proud of. I've questioned many of Skips moves as AD but this is one that I think we can trust him on. :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
  6. lsucurlyq

    lsucurlyq Founding Member

    Mar 11, 2002
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    I completely agree. There's so much tradition inside The Box that I would really hate to see them tear it down. Mostof the people sitting in my section (L1) don't want a covering, either. It gets too hot underneath the grandstand- you can'tget any breeze.
    Speaking of the stadium, I was out of town for the regionals and saw the new screen pictures of our CWS championships around the stadium for the first time this weekend. They looked great! :thumb: :thumb:
  7. captainpodnuh

    captainpodnuh Baseball at da Box

    Aug 6, 2003
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    You are absolutely correct. My mom is a season ticket holder in L1 and they could have had seats in the grandstand, but refused because it gets too hot.

    The pictures outside The Box are just awesome. Words can't describe the feeling you get walking around and looking up at them.

    Skip will make the right decision regarding upgrade v new facility. Its a tough argument with good reasons for both. Unfortunately, the bottom line is the money, and LSU's ability to keep stay competitive with Regionals and how profitable the Regionals remain.

    IMO, if they were to raze the Grandstand and put in a double-deck (ala Zephyr - my preferred choice for renovations), then they should just go ahead and break new ground, rather than be limited by the existing space at The Box. A brand new facility, with a multitude of chairbacks everywhere, and 2 decks would be awesome. A slightly smaller version of Zephyr would be the next great thing for LSU.
  8. DDTigerFan

    DDTigerFan Back from the Dead

    Feb 9, 2003
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    As much as people hate to admit it, there isn't all that much tradition at Alex Box. I mean the Tigers have not been a dominant program since the beginning of the Box. I feel they should completely build a brand spanking new park and keep the name Alex Box Stadium. Pistol Pete had some great shows put on in Parker Colliseum but I'm very grateful that I don't have to go to the cowbarn to watch a basketball game these days.
  9. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I have sat in both the grandstand and in the bleachers for games on hot days and on those occasions when I was in the grandstand I sure was glad to be in the shade instead of in direct sunlight. There can easily be a 30 degree or more difference. One time I took a thermometer that was in a carport showing about 92 degrees and put it out in the sunlight. In seconds the needle was buried at the 120 degrees mark.
  10. cajdav1

    cajdav1 Soldiers are real hero's

    Dec 26, 2003
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    Like an earlier poster noted it isn't just for attendance and covered seating, it's also for bathrooms, concessions, the playing field, the baseball offices, the lighting, etc. I think they should raz ethe place myself. Tiger Stadium is a completely different animal. and they are getting everything they want in Tiger Stadium. And they did raze Tiger Stadium inb Detroit!!! :lol:

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