I find it hilarious that a person who used a fake quote here and refuses to own up to it is calling someone else a liar. I admitted I made a mistake about some Muslim shooters WITHIN A MUCH LONGER post whose context was totally ignored... because his sole agenda was to defend a racist liar by calling somebody else a liar. As for the other issue, I totally and absolutely stand behind my statement of absolute fact: that trump called white supremacists "very fine people". THIS would have been a lie: trump said "white supremacists are very fine people." This is an absolute FACT: trump said white supremacists are "very fine people." If you can't see the difference you're a moron, true.
no he made a specific point to say he was not referring to those folks. its fascinating how much you will lie about this. even when you are well and truly prpved to be lying, and numerous fact checkers say you are lying, and quotes and video say you are lying. like a child. but thats what liberalism is these days. their foundational belief is that people they disagree with must be insulted, not argued with reasonably. and the worst insult is to be called a racist. so basically they just do this over and over. i think it is ultimately what will ruin the party and the woke movement more broadly.
He COULDN'T exclude them because ANYBODY and EVERYBODY who was there protesting the removal of the Lee statue was white supremacist. That's an absolute fact. And, as I said earlier in this thread, it wouldn't have mattered if he had explicitly said "supremacists" anyway, as your fake quote claims. His words are cheap, they're throwaway lines, he had already called the violent supremacists "very fine people" and was only trying to give himself cover, just as he would later do on January 6. But none of that changes the fact that there were white people protesting, all of them were white supremacists, most of them were violent, and thus, by extension, it's an ABSOLUTE FACT that trump called them "very fine people"... because there was nobody else there on that "side" for him to be talking about.