Benjamin Franklin: "There goes another beautiful theory about to be murdered by a brutal gang of facts"
I wish I could be there when that idiot figures out that white milk comes out of a brown cow. Fucker might go vegan
SCJ Steven Breyer to announce retirement. Biden pledges to nominate a black woman. Qualifications be damned. It really doesn't matter anyway about qualifications. Liberal justices bloc vote at an astounding rate. They are not allowed independent thought.
Exactly. The lock step voting of the liberal bloc it much greater than the conservatives on the court. In fact the conservatives’ respect for individual rights causes them to vote very differently than one would expect. It’s rare a liberal Wil step outside of their orthodoxy
Shouldn't the most qualified person be the nominee? Dipshit biden eliminated about 80% or more of the field over a year ago
the dens are pushing Breyer out the door because they know they are losing both the senate and house… manchin will need some chapstick for his ass from all the lips that will be on it…. should be fun