Of course it's a Federal issue. Here's what Biden did NOT say: "The Federal government can not provide support and leadership that will save lives." Because it certainly can. Support and leadership that trump failed to provide, which resulted in at least 130k unnecessary deaths according to more than one study. While the Federal government doesn't have THE solution (state governors do) it certainly can have Federal blame. And trump has Federal blame while Biden does not.
Doesn't matter as the CDC said 75% of all Covid reported death they had 4 + comorbidities. In other words, numbers are junk.
Nimble, which would be me "quick and light in movement or action; agile" "with a deft motion of her nimble fingers" Buffoon, which would be you "a ridiculous but amusing person; a clown"
They all died because they caught covid though. Those comorbidities were a factor but you had to have the trump card to make it work. I'm not arguing what you have been saying as in be healthy and you won't die, but living large didn't kill you until covid did.
We dont know that. Again, they get paid based on who they say has covid. Look, if I go to the 9th ward in New Orleans at 1 am and I get shot, we can all agree its my fucking fault knowing how damn dangerous that is. If you lived a life of treating your body like shit and you catch something that might take advantage of your life choices, its on YOU! Like are you going to blame cigarettes' if you get lung cancer after smoking a pack a day? Do you blame the bottle of scotch if your liver goes bad?
You know what comorbididies influence who dies of heart attacks, cancer and other diseases. Do you cherry pick heat attack statistics because a bunch of fat fucks ate themselves into one?
Look. In todays modern world, there is absolutely no excuse for anyone to not know their health factors and markers. Everyone should get at least one blood panel a year and review with your doctor to see what you may be high risk for and adjust your life accordingly. Simply eating like shit, or not working out and relying on pharma is a recipient for disaster IMO.
So, let's summarize: A) Fat, smoker, lazy, vaccinated: you live B) Fat, smoker, lazy, unvaccinated: you die LSUpride123's advice to group B: don't get vaccinated