Truth is not a popularity contest. I am far more educated in Economics than the population at large and than yourself in particular. I see what's driving inflation and the price of gasoline.
You don't even believe that printing money at will is a major driving force in inflation, and you want to be taken seriously as some type of expert in macro economics? With zero credibility? Its sadly hilarious that you think Biden, who was a C student in law school and graduated near the bottom of his class, is a fiscal wizard who has the recovery perfectly under control; except for the things he can't control. Brilliant!
please share your credentials so we may be properly impressed…. just so you know, I took micro and macro econ back in the day…. I am convinced that rex is actually kyle…. there’s no other explanation
What an extraordinary idea. If I didn't know Kyle and also know how busy he is I would be sold. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if you turned out to be right but I don't think so.
I have never said that increasing money supply is not a factor in inflation. So you're lying. Or can't read. Both, actually. Nor have I ever said or even insinuated that Biden is a "fiscal wizard". Stop lying.