Exactly. Too many think that if someone is on the other side of the political middle from them then they're evil or stupid. I remember when most people were open to different ways and debates were good natured but intelligent. I think we all want a prosperous America. Except Biden of course, China owns that brain dead sack of shit.
Inflation is at a 40 year high, but Biden's economy is booming, right @Rex? Wonder if he can respond without going full TDS. I'm betting no. https://www.wsj.com/articles/inflation-is-near-a-40-year-high-heres-what-it-looks-like-11639737004
@Rex words of wisdom from your next idiot…..err I mean President???? https://twitter.com/alexthomp/status/1481626312041246721?s=21
Inflation is a GLOBAL phenomenom right now. Has very little to do with Biden. You would admit that if you had even an ounce of honesty. As for the rest of the economy: BEST RECOVERY IN HISTORY. Last year at this time we had unemployment and empty shelves. Now we have jobs, abundance, and record low unemployment. Things are more expensive than last year? Sure, the world over. But at least you have a job and can buy things now.
I 100% approve Biden's approach to the pandemic. Order as many tests as possible, urge as many masks and vaccines as possible, talk down the anti-vaxxers, impose mandates wherever legally possible. Doug Kuzma: Don't get vaccinated! Rally together without masks! Don't pay attention to Biden's calls for vaccines and masks. Biden is a dictator! Kusma dies because he went unvaxxed and unmasked to of one of his anti-vaxxer rallies. Doug Kuzma fan: It's Biden's fault!
more deaths under biden than trump. he said he would take the virus down but infection rates are at an all time high