Hey all! Abita Beer has picked my picture as one of the 10 finalist in their best tailgating picture contest. Please jump on this site and give me a Thumbs Up "Like." Right now a guy from Prudue is in the lead. Prudue? Come on! :geaux::geaux: LSU is Tailgater #1 so we need to prove it! I need your vote by 11/1! Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150375901149181.376361.27066914180&type=1#!/photo.php?fbid=10150375965614181&set=a.10150375901149181.376361.27066914180&type=3 Please pass the word.
Yes it is, and it actually has a wider distribution than it did pre-Katrina. Unfortunately Katrina destroyed the brewery. There was 12 feet of water, and looters stole every inch of copper in the joint. At times the Bruno's have said they would bring it back on-line, but I don't think it will ever happen. From what I have been told the famouse cypress barrels are in good shape and have been removed from the brewhouse for preservation. The good news is the company contract brewing Dixie out of Wisconsin also uses cypress barrels in its brew process. The taste is just about the same.
It isn't. Only with cold beer that is sold off the shelf. If you buy it from a liquor store it is real beer. I can also buy any of the "real" beer like Abita, Shiner, Moosehead, ect and it is also full strength. Same goes for those beers served at a bar (as far as I know). There was a recent push in the legislature to abandon this prohibition era thinking however the council that was heading up the effort just disbanded for reasons unknown. I am seriously considering running for a council position and if I do it is on like donkey kong.
My next two Saturdays in beer: Release of Firestone Walker's 15th anniversary beer(roadie to Paso Robles): Firestone Walker Brewing Company - XV Anniversary Party 6th Annual West Coast Barrel Aged Beer Festival: Events
I will NEVER live in a state that I can’t walk into a gas station at midnight and buy a 5th of Patron.