If you can find it try Staropromen , its a chezch beer and really good. Strong too! I love Abita Amber but they are so heavy, Shiner Bock is good
Just hoping they sell some of these here in AR. Gotta agree about Pacific NW beers. Went to Oregon this past summer and tried a couple of really nice full flavored beers.
You can usually talk to any liquor store owner and they can order just about any beer for you. If you don't see what you want in the store, ask them. They will probably get a case shipped especially for you and should only pay whatever the price would be on the shelf.
We have one down in Little Rock that usually has the off the wall stuff. They were the only ones who had Murphy’s. I need to check and see if they can get one of those Oregon beers, ... Full Sail I think.
You should be able to find Full Sail anywhere, there are many different kinds of FS however. They are pretty common
With the craft beer brewers are doing all kind of things. Some of it is very good. It tastes like beer. But just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do it. The following is a description of some New Zealand craft beers. ‘Unami Monster’ uses New Zealand grown kombu (kelp), Japanese Katsuobushi (dried fermented bonito flakes), smoked malt and seawater. While the ‘Cabbage and Kings Imperial Oyster Stout’ is brewed with fresh Pacific oysters and infused with the local flavours of horopito and manuka-smoked malt.