Vote No for KipWorld today. The other items will quickly be back on the agenda, but ALIVE has to die today!
Exactly right! KipWorld will be a total disaster just like Six Flags in N.O. was and the tax payers will take it on the chin again.
I disagree. It won't have near the operating costs as six flags, and will be supported by the private and public research that will be conducted there. The projections for success are extremely conservative. Worst case on this thing is the bond doesn't get paid down in 18 years. I would draw the parallel to downtown Chattanooga. Not a tourist destination, not as big as Baton Rouge, and their riverfront development does gang busters.
That's my field as well, and I've seen how much it costs to live in Austin (in any subdivisions I'd want to live in, for that matter). I doubt the salary ranges are double like the home prices are. :lol: I'm a .Net architect and development manager in medical software.
I havent' followed the issue since I don't have a dog in the hunt. Just wanted to wish all you BR'ans the best on election day. BR's a great place, and I hope the vote delivers what's best for the city, whatever way that is.
What has me worried is that voter turnout is expected to be low. Usually those in favor of an issue are the ones more likely to vote. Those against an issue are more likely to stay home. Those trends could cause the proposition to pass. I voted for Holden the last two times but the way he has tried (and may succeed) to force Alive down the throats of the voters by linking it to popular issues such as a new police HQ and training facility and needed infrastructure likely means he has seen my last vote.
Sorry, but we do not need a theme park in downtown BR. The city does not even have title to the land, which means if the bond passes the railroad can pretty much charge what they want and there is no way Holden can decline since he has pretty much staked everything on the outcome.