Half cent sales tax and 9.9 mil property tax. I disapprove of the sales tax. That would put us a 10% sales tax and that's high. I don't mind the property tax. We pay low property taxes and get low services in Baton Rouge. I don't mind paying for infrastructure and services, but not entertainment ventures. That's for private enterprise. Let Kip convince Disney or Six Flags to build it. That's what he ought to be doing. We pay taxes to keep our sewers working, cops on the street, streets paved, streetlights paid for, fire department, parks, that sort of thing.
I don't give a rat's ass about some vague constitutional bullsh!t. When an issue comes to a vote before the public that involves raising the property tax of the actual owners of property non property owners should not be allowed to vote to increase my taxes. After all, I don't have the opportunity to vote to raise their rent. I don't believe that the Constitution of the United States of America covers that specific situation. I would vote for Kip's proposal if it only included much needed improvements to the city's infasrructure but he wants to raise even more money to fulfill his vision of Kip Land. Who gives a flying F@uck about downtown? The only time I ever go to downtown Baton Rouge is whenever I get called for jury duty or on the rare occasions when I go to one of the casinos. If some private investors want to risk their money to build a downtown hotel and a riverside park let them spend their own money. Not mine or yours.
You guys should vote for it so I can eventually move back to BR without giving up thousands and thousands of salary.
You do realize the owners of the property that they live in pay taxes, therefore that tax is passed back down to them by rent being increased the next year. So why they don't directly pay it to the government, they are paying a property tax in some shape or form.
It was already voted down once. Kip didn't like the result, so he excludes the parts of the parish that showed strong resistance to try and get it to pass. We don't need more sales tax. I pay more than enough property tax for the minimal services the parish provides. My garbage/sewerage bill is going through the roof, and all I got out of the deal was a $50 trash can and$35 recycling bin. We do need some infrastructure improvements. The BRPD on Mayflower is crumbling. Poor planning on government's part shouldn't constitute an emergency for me. Alive will be bankrupt in less than 5 years. There's no market for it. It will do fine when it opens as it is something new and exciting. It will fizzle just like Jazzland in NOLA, possibly at a faster rate. Then we are left with a giant eyesore downtown on the river. No thanks. Break apart this fat proposal into things that are desparately needed. Lump together a few in order to make a reasonable bond, and move forward with things that need to get done. Either that, or wait for the federal government to give a handout...
:dis: What exactly is it that you do for a living? I'm going to guess some kind of information technology.