The Age of Trump: White Nationalist terrorist carplows into counter-protestors

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex, Aug 12, 2017.

  1. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    No, he doesn't.... and this is just another demonstration of your inability to read.

    I specifically condemned the attack on Steve Scalise.

    I started that thread calling Scalise an asshole (which he is) WEEKS before he was shot.
  2. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Check the thread title. Can't converse with idiots. Rex is on full tilt today.

    He even called me racist.
  3. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    First off I dont have any obligation to prove anything to you about whats in my heart I know whats in my heart. My first wife was hispanic I still love her, I dated a black girl in college for over a year despite getting beat up by blacks for doing so and pressured to break up by the girls parents, we still talk and laugh about our experiences. My current wife is jewish. Whats your moral authority knowing this to judge me? Whats your background compared to me? I also have no obligation to apologize for the people who did this since I am not one of them. Who are you to judge how explicitly I should condemn what they did? "reminiscing about the past"? You are the one who is sadly blind and apparently deaf to think I am reminiscing about the past. The voilence and hatred against conservatives no matter what race, gender or religion is not in the past you ignorant fuck it is happening now and has been going on for years. Look at Ferguson Missouri and the voilence that happened because of an absolute lie perpetrated by the left, the media and the Obama regime. It was proven that there was no "hands up dont shoot" event yet it is still being used to divide us today. Look at the Travon Martin case where the left had to create a new race "white hispanic" to advance their lying narative. Where was president Obama on these two incidents? Sadly stoking the flames of division. One racist drove his car into a crowd and injured some killing one is horrible. As bad as this was I think comparing what the racist left is doing and has been doing to people they disagree with is absurd. George Soros's gang of leftist anarchists, The New Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, La Raza, The Nation of Islam all racists and hate driven groups seem to get free passes from the left, the media and democrats while a group like the Tea Party are vilified and beat up. Obama spent 20 years in Jerimiah Wrights jew and white hating church yet the media basically ignored that. Did Obama disavow Jerimiah, not at all. Everything I am saying is correct show me where I am wrong. Just watch how CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC treat this vs what the left is doing. Watch how long this will be milked and used against Trump and conservatives. I am sick and tired of being branded a racist simply because I am whie. Colleges are shaming white students because they are white. Conservatives cant even speak at college's anymore you ignorant stereotyping asshole.

    You dont know me at all especially whats in my heart an apology is in order from you but you are not man enough to extend one.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2017
  4. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    You know Moe I don't know what's going on in your heart but I do know what you write. You may treat individuals the same regardless of race or creed but your writing is as divisive as any left wing wacko. Your own words are words of hate and better that Rex's.
    KyleK and GiantDuckFan like this.
  5. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Bull feces I went back and forth with you on your callousness I remember since that is when I realized you were a turd. You are a known liar here you are not fooling me.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2017
  6. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    What did I write?
  7. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Also whats your background with so called minorities, same as mine? Bet not so your moral authority is as void as Rex.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2017
  8. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    In addition to a leftist democrat trying to assinate republicans in which we might have had 10 to 15 killed had not brave cops intervened here is a recent list of hate and voilence perpetrated against and encouraged by the left, the media and democrats against Trump and conservatives of all races, genders and religions.

    1. Madonna, the world-wide pop sensation, told the January 21 Women’s March in Washington, D.C.: “Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.”
    2. Rapper Snoop Dogg produced a video in which he fires a gun beside the head of a clown dressed like Trump. Out pops a flag that reads: “BANG!” “Can you imagine what the outcry would be if SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama,” President Trump replied via Twitter. “Jail time!”
    3. Adam Pally, star of Fox TV’s Making History, told TMZ that if he could take a time machine and spend an hour with anyone, “I’d have to kill Trump or Hitler.”
    4. Former CNN personality Kathy Griffin notoriously posed with a blood-drenched, mock-up of a severed head of Trump.
    5. Lea DeLaria, a cast member of Netflix’s Emmy-award-winning Orange Is the New Black series explained how she would express herself politically: “Pick up a baseball bat and take out every fucking republican and independent I see.”
    6. The Public Theater’s current production of Julius Caesar features a Trump-look-alike emperor being stabbed to death by Roman senators. As Polizette’s Edmund Kozak noted, “The play has reportedly received standing ovations when Trump/Caesar is assassinated.”

    All this along with hate groups like Black Lives Matter, New Black Panthers, La Raza and The Nation of Islam allowed to say and sometimes do anything violent and disgusting as they like with no repercussions.

    The Left tries to defend itself by claiming that “both sides do this.” Nonsense. Yes, some on the right questioned Obama’s birth certificate, claimed he was born in Kenya, and wondered if he were a closet Muslim. But conservatives and Republicans, especially prominent ones, did not clutch props of Obama’s severed head. Nor did rightists stage Obama’s symbolic assassination. Had this ever happened, you never would have stopped hearing about it. Those responsible would have kissed their careers goodbye. A Missouri State Fair rodeo clown was fired in 2013 for performing in an Obama mask. That’s about as rough as Obama ever got it on the center-right. Representative-elect Greg Gianforte indeed has created a black mark for the Right. The Montana Republican pled guilty to misdemeanor assault this week for body-slamming Ben Jacobs, a staff writer for the British newspaper the Guardian on May 24. The next day, Gianforte won a special election for his state’s at-large House seat. Gianforte’s 40 hours of community service, 20 hours of anger management, and $385 fine represent a virtual wink and nod from his state’s bench. Too bad. Violence should be punished severely — left, middle, and right. Beyond the Left’s aspirational violence, liberals lately have committed actual mayhem, demolished property, and wounded Trump supporters and other conservatives. “The violence is appearing in the streets, and it’s coming from the left,” Representative Steve King (R., Iowa) told the New York Post. “People that can’t accept the results of the election are determined to try to take this country down.” Masked “anti-Fascist” savages welcomed former Breitbart columnist Milo Yiannopoulos to U.C. Berkeley by setting blazes and slamming metal barricades into plate-glass windows. Those riots injured six people and blocked Yiannopoulos from speaking. Left-wing hooligans hounded sociologist Charles Murray after a March appearance at Middlebury College. As he left, they surrounded Murray and a professor who accompanied him. “Someone pulled my hair, while others were shoving me. I feared for my life,” she said. “I am still wearing a neck brace, and spent a week in a dark room to recover from a concussion caused by the whiplash.” Last February, a 71-year-old woman who works for Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R., Calif.) was left unconscious when leftists revolted outside his office. “I am outraged beyond words that protesters who mobbed my Huntington Beach office violently knocked down my faithful district director, Kathleen Staunton, causing her to be hospitalized,” Rohrabacher said. “And, yes, deliberate or not, the incident came as part of a mob action that not only intimidates but coerces.” The idea-free Left should be ashamed of itself. Cornell University College Republicans president Olivia Corn was shoved to the pavement the night after the November election. “I felt two hands grab my shoulders and just sort of threw me to the ground, and they were yelling, ‘Fuck you, racist bitch. You support a racist party,’” Corn told the College Fix. “This person who attacked me is still out there, and the idea of not knowing who that is can be frightening sometimes when it’s dark, and I need to walk home.” Corn also said that she received death threats after she told the Cornell Daily Sun that she planned to vote for Trump. Corey Cataldo, 24, wore a Making America Great Again hat on a New York City subway last November. “Great. Another white Trump supporter,” a large black man told Cataldo. He then tried to strangle Cataldo with his bare hands before fleeing the No. 5 Train in the Bronx. Last Saturday, “anti-Fascist” protester Lisa Solomon allegedly used a flagpole with a silver nail in it to wound Samson, a Harrisburg, Pa., police horse. The Daily Caller’s Dave Brooks and Benjamin Decatur compiled a non-exhaustive but extensive list of left-wing assaults against Republicans, conservatives, and Trump supporters. They document 35 such violent attacks since last July, including an injury-inducing shoving incident against a 74-year-old Trump supporter outside of Trump Tower last November. Police arrested Shacara McLaurin, a 23-year-old anti-bullying ambassador. Meanwhile, for all the talk of Trump being a “bully” surrounded by “racist,” “violent,” and “terrifying” supporters, Hillary’s voters grieve in peace. And the only people arrested for making scores of anti-Semitic threats earlier this year were a left-wing black former journalist and two liberal Jews. None was tied to Trump. The idea-free Left should be ashamed of itself. Its poisonous clouds of hate blew a very angry man around the bend. While “terminating Republicans,” he hospitalized five innocent citizens, two of whom were in critical condition, as of this writing. The Left’s carnage-inducing words and images have reached their apotheosis. It’s far past time for liberals to stop whining about an election they lost fair and square, leash the dogs of war, and, instead, craft a positive agenda for the American people.

    Read more at:

    Sad and disgusting what happened today but lets make sure we dont forget the voilence and bigotry raining down on conservatives of all races, genders and religions.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2017
    tirk likes this.
  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    This thread is going to take a dump when the driver ends up not being a Nazi.
  10. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    While these assholes are vile people, it is imperative that we protect their right to free speech. In order for our rights to be protected we must protect the rights of the worst of us. Including these pieces of shit.
    GiantDuckFan likes this.

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