The Advocate: LSU to go 9-3, "Bama’s biggest obstacle is Bama"

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Tiger_fan, May 5, 2013.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Heaven help us if they get control of the process. We'll have a 72-team playoff before you know it.
  2. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    You're mixing together two different eras of SEC football. Before the divisional split there were co-SEC championships.

    But, yet again, you are not correct in stating there are co-divisional champions. Seriously, think about this.

    Two seasons ago, what was the cry heard around the nation? It was "Bama didn't even win their division." There wasn't a whisper about co-divisional champions in 2011. Why? I'll repeat myself. There is no such thing.

    Georgia beats Florida in 2012. Therefore, UGA wins the eastern division title. Your mention of bowl selections has nothing to do with this conversation.

    Florida was in the Sugar because of its alliance with the BCS. Georgia was in the Cap One because they were invited. The only area standings in the SEC come into play with the Cap One bowl is their selection has to be within one game of the next team in line after the BCS selections are made. Georgia, finishing with two losses, received that invitation. The fact is LSU could have received that invitation because they were within one game of how Georgia finished having two losses last season. (LSU with two regular season losses, Georgia with one.) In fact, there were a total of four teams that qualified for the Cap One invitation last season—A&M, LSU, UGA, and UofSC.

    Read over the archives from the official site of the SEC. Read what it says about Georgia. You won't find co-champions. You'll find phrases like "Murray has now led the Bulldogs to consecutive Eastern Division titles,..."
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Nope. The AP was a part of the BCS system until 2004. Of the 11 polls and rankings in the 2003 BCS, the impartial computers put USC #3 as did all but 2 of the human-biased BCS polls.

    Actually, USC had 1 loss, just like LSU and Oklahoma. LSU and Oklahoma were 12-1. USC was 11-1.

    Nevertheless, it is a poll. Since the BCS championship game was instituted, the AP does NOT select the national champion. It simply votes a #1 on its poll. Meanwhile a championship series existed that placed the top two teams into a playoff that was won on the field.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    In fact, LSU was #1 in the final coaches poll . . . 60 votes to 3.
  5. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    Yes, only because the coaches poll contractually agreed to name to winner of the BCS the winner of their final poll and award them the Coaches Trophy

    Those 3 votes that broke the contract were in protest of how USC, the #1 team in the coaches.poll, wasn't included in the "title game"

    Had the coaches not contractly agreed to name the winner of the BCS the winner of their final poll beforehand, it would be interesting to see who they voted #1. It would have probably been USC since they had them #1 in the last poll before the game, so thank goodness the coaches poll contractly agreed to name the winner of the BCS #1 in their final poll beforehand
  6. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    Lol, but out of curiosity, i looked up the NCAA D2 football playoff bracket

    16 teams, with 8 more added with a 1st round bye, for a total of 24, so the Top 24 with top 8 getting a first round bye

    Teams have about 11 games under their belt when playoffs start on November 17, and the winner has about 14 games played by the end on Dec 15
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    That is a guess. It is more likely that they would have voted for the winner of the championship game . . . like they actually did.
  8. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    They have to vote the winner of the BCS "championship game" #1 whether they think that was the #1 team or not, because they contractually agreed to do so. That's why they hand the Coaches trophy to the winner of the BCS "title game" because everybody knows the Coaches poll has already contractly agreed to name them winner of their poll.

    It's a shame the BCS gave so much weight to the computers in 2003 (how dumb was that?) because all the humans knew USC and LSU were #1 and #2. It's retarded that the only reason they didn't play in the "championship game" was because of computers. How retarded is that for the human race?

    The Bush White House had both USC and LSU to the White House to honor them as National Champs, and joked they should battle it out on the White House lawn

    On January 9, 2004, Ted Waitt, CEO of
    Gateway Computers offered the NCAA
    $31 million for a national championship
    game between USC and Louisiana
    State. The NCAA did not consider the
    offer, leaving the year without an
    unarguable national champion.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Nevertheless 3 of them did not do this and were listed anyway. So much for a "requirement" that they vote for the winner. Clearly the others could have ignored this as well. But they didn't.

    Only one of those teams was holding a crystal football. :D

    A lot of humans would have put USC and Oklahoma into that game. Ultimately polls are biased and based on opinions, not facts like the computer rankings are. The computers may not be perfect, but they don't inject personal bias into it. The AP is voted on by national sportswriters and a team in a big market like Los Angeles gets lots more ink and (before wall-to-wall TV coverage) got tons more exposure to sportswriters. USC always got more credit with them than teams in places like Auburn, Baton Rouge, or Norman.

    Even worse bias has always been shown on the coaches poll, especially when individual votes were private. Some coaches would rank conference recruiting rivals or personal coaching enemies much lower keep them from getting recognition. Some still do. Others admit that they don't have time to watch the games and have a staffer fill out the forms each week.

    Bottom line is that the criteria for BCS selection was set before the season and all schools had to abide by them. The polls did not have any criteria at all except for the voters personal feelings. A proper balance between impartial computer rankings and polls that can include nuanced opinions is best.
    ParadiseiNC likes this.
  10. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    And that criteria was no NCAA-awarded champion or trophy, just champions and trophies awarded by the AP poll and Coaches poll (who contractually agreed to name the winner of the BCS the winner of their trophy)

    The result:

    NCAA: no named champ, equal prominence given to AP and Coaches/BCS champ in NCAA record book

    AP: USC #1

    Coaches: USC #1 (except they contractually agreed beforehand to name BCS winner #1, so had to name LSU #1)

    BCS: LSU #1 (because computers didn't match #1 USC v #2 LSU, even though computer #1 Oklahoma had just been blown out in the Big 12 Championship game much worse than LSU beat them in "title game")

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