The 9/11 Mega Mosque

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Ahab the Arab, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Well lets see, beings the foundation of that building is now a memorial with a guard that stands there 24/7 it is practically a church in itself. There are lots of crosses and pictures and wreaths for those that were lost and for people to remember. Nice try but you are off target here brah.
  2. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    You said bigoted. You can try to imply that since you are talking about muslims, you were not talking about race. But you are full of it, since most muslims are not white. Just like people that are against illegal immigration must be racist since most illegals are not white. Try to follow the meaning of your own statements. Bigot/racist, they are interchangeable here and it's a tired play by the left, or in this case, by you.

    Where do truthers come into this? Stay on topic. No, democrats like Howard Dean or Patterson to name a few. You know, those bigoted lefties.
    The opinion of an overwhelmingly liberal state is invalid because they must be bigoted too? Because they don't toe the standard bleeding heart liberal line? So Obama should send in the army to crack some heads because this is the same as Selma, AL? :rofl::rofl: With statements like that, it is no wonder the left is getting hammered nation wide and will lose congress again this fall. They could screw up a cup of coffee.
    As I said, you suck less at it, but only marginally so. Thanks for making it so easy.
  3. HatcherTiger

    HatcherTiger Freedom Isn't Free

    Oct 24, 2002
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    What evidence / information do you have that it doesn't have ties? The fact is you don't have any and I'm not willing to take that risk. I'd rather some in the Muslim community be offended rather run the risk that more innocent people die. Its that simple.

    The mosque is being named after a mosque that is a symbol of Muslim conquest ( you know like in we're building this mosque after bombing and destroying two symbols of the Western infidel's culture) and its being supported by a known terrorist organization, Hamas. So sure, come right in and build it.

    I rarely post in this forum but I simply can't fathom how people don't see what the problem is here. We're so freakin scared in this country not to offend, the rest of the world has come to understand this and its being used against us. People think that if we're just "nice" the rest of the world will like us. Guess what, nothing is further from the truth. We are the target, we need to keep our guard up and maintane a strong defense. Thats the only chance we have.
  4. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    You know there are some people that are truly concerned about offending minorities, foreigners, etc, but that is not really the concern of liberal politicians that fall back on this line. Calling people bigoted or racist is just a way to marginalize dissent with your opinion. It's just another club in their bag to get their way. Do you really get the impression that liberal politicians give a rat's ass about the common man? Any more than a conservative? It's just a power play for themselves. There is so much pc tension in our country, it has become the trump card in any argument. But it really is wearing thin, when you see the left apply it to it's own voters too.

    People are not falling for it this time, because the mosque issue is not complex, it's common sense.
  5. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    I have an idea. Let's put a temple/sushi bar here. And make sure it is funded and maintained by followers of Bushido. No big deal, just guys that believe they should be able to wack your head off for any or no reason at all.

    And since the Japanese are not white, we know that any opposition to it will be racist. We should be ashamed thinking that this site has any special meaning to Americans. It's just a zoning issue dude.

  6. HatcherTiger

    HatcherTiger Freedom Isn't Free

    Oct 24, 2002
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    There's a shortage of that in this country.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    this part is not really true, in the context of history. thats a bit of hyperbole actually.
  8. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Why was the cordoba mosque built? I am aware of it, but never studied it. I know spaniards were none to fond, which is why it's a church today.
  9. HatcherTiger

    HatcherTiger Freedom Isn't Free

    Oct 24, 2002
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    Thats at least up to debate:

    Do they not know the Cordoba Mosque they support is a victory symbol for radical Islam, if not for most Muslims?

    When the Muslims conquered Jerusalem, they tore down the Christian temple and built a giant mosque on that symbolic site. When the Moors conquered Spain, they built their first and largest mosque in the city of Cordoba, symbolic of their first major conquest in Spain.

    These mosques were symbols of the superiority of the Muslim faith.

    Your views: Planned mosque fuels debate (Aug. 20) | | FLORIDA TODAY)

    The very name Rauf has given his plan for the mosque “The Cordoba Initiative” tells a Muslim audience his true attitudes. The Cordoba cathedral was converted to a mosque after the Moslem conquest of Spain in 711 and the city of Cordoba, in which it stands, was at the heart of the great cultural center of Andalusia (Al-Andalus to Moslems), which Islamists aspire to reclaim.
  10. HatcherTiger

    HatcherTiger Freedom Isn't Free

    Oct 24, 2002
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    Look at what the second problem with the mosque is. Yet we still want to take the risk?

    From the Muslim community itslef:

    Nearly 70 percent of Americans oppose building an Islamic house of worship near the site of one of the worst attacks on America — perpetrated in the name of Islam

    . Some moderate Muslims agree that the proposed location of the Cordoba Mosque near Ground Zero in lower Manhattan should be reconsidered.

    Stephen Schwartz, executive director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism, told The Daily Caller that despite their relative silence on the issue, many Muslims question the placement of the mosque.

    “This is not a humble Islamic statement. A mosque such as this is actually a political structure that casts a shadow over a cemetery, over hallowed ground. 9/11 was the beginning of a kinetic war, it is not an opportunity for cultural exchange. It was the beginning of a conflict with those who want to destroy our way of life,” Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, president and founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, told The Daily Caller.

    “I am in no way looking to infringe on First Amendment issues. I approach this as a Muslim that is dedicated to reform,” he said.

    Jasser cited the Quranic verse, “Be considerate when you debate with the People of the Book [Jews and Christians],” and said that Muslims backing the project should be introspective during this month of Ramadan.

    “From sunup to sundown Muslims are fasting and working on putting our needs tertiary to our God and our country, not what we need. They are abandoning these principles and saying, ‘Well, this is what we need and we are victims if you don’t let us do this. And we can do it, so we are going to.’ I think that is un-Islamic. That verse is one that teaches Muslims not only to be respectful but to actually treat equally other religions.”

    Schwartz echoed Jasser’s concerns. He highlighted three problems with the project. “First of all, aside from the issues of conflict with jihad, Islam teaches us, especially Muslims living in non-Muslim societies, to avoid conflict with our neighbors,” Schwartz told TheDC. “We think this is an incredibly heedless project. It went forward without adequate planning or foresight, without anticipating reaction and it is absurd to think that there would not have been reaction. It is simply absurd. Second, there is the problem of Imam Feisal’s propensity to mix with radicals. And thirdly, there is a problem with the lack of transparency about money funding.”

    According to Schwartz, Muslims are wary of entering the fray: “Muslims are talking but they are talking privately because the issue has become so divisive that Muslims are concerned about backlash and are hesitant to get involved. But people in the community are upset by this. They wonder, ‘How can they do this in such a heedless manner?’ … I really can’t think of anyone else who will speak on the record about this.”

    Tarek Fatah, founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, told TheDC that moderate Muslims have been silent on the matter, despite possible disagreements, due to religious concerns. According to Fatah, however, the need to avoid causing another person pain should trump such conflicts.

    “There is a widespread belief among Muslim teaching that anyone who opposes the construction of a mosque, which is the house of God, is committing a sin,” he said. “So a lot of people who want to voice their opinion do not want to become a part of the controversy. But especially during the month of Ramadan it is important that our actions not cause pain to anyone. Any action by a Muslim that causes any pain to anyone else should be halted!”

    Fatah believes the mosque plans are moving forward because they have the support of the American government. “I think they have an official green light either from the State Department or the White House telling them to, ‘Go ahead, you have our full backing,’ and they want to use this Islamic center as a place for diplomacy to the Middle East to demonstrate that the United States is a place where Muslims thrive. But that has backfired because this could have been done in many other ways.”

    Jasser said that the building of this mosque is ‘fitna,’ a religious term meaning mischief-making, which is severely frowned upon in Islam. “‘Fitna’ is anything that causes chaos in society,” he said. “This mosque is causing chaos, it is causing ‘fitna’ and that is not the Islamic thing to do … This is ‘fitna’ and ‘fitna’ is wrong.”

    Fatah agreed saying that ‘fitna’ is an ethical and moral issue that ought not be taken lightly. “If a step taken by an individual causes disharmony then it is ‘fitna.’ [The mosque] has caused so much pain. There are many mosques already in New York, nobody has ever opposed a mosque, if there is opposition to a mosque on grounds of hatred I would be the first to confront it. But over here it is a matter of sensitivity and there is no residential community even near the community center.”

    Schwartz said that the idea of trying to heal wounds is a good one, but that the Cordoba Mosque is not the right avenue to do so. “Outreach is a good idea, but outreach should be done in an appropriate time and manner, and this is not the place nor the time nor the manner. Outreach should be done in a setting that doesn’t encourage problems and controversy.”

    “We are Americans who happen to be Muslims, not Muslims who happen to be Americans,” Jasser concluded. “And this structure is all backwards. They just want to force Islam upon the American people and it is going to be used around the world, especially in Islamic media. From the ashes of this destruction comes the flourishing of Islam and I think that is just the wrong message. It is not good for America or for Muslims.”

    Read more: Moderate Muslims oppose location of Cordoba Mosque

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