The 9/11 Mega Mosque

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Ahab the Arab, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    these "negative consequences", whose fault are they?
  2. Ahab the Arab

    Ahab the Arab Veteran Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    In other words, you believe that the constitution protects religious freedom and if we limit the Muslims from building a mosque, then Christians and Jews will not be able to build churches and synagogues too.

    Now if Islam were a religion alone, then I could see some merit in that argument. However, besides being just a religion, Islam is also a very radical form of totalitarianism that seeks world domination. Hence, you can’t dissect Islam and take only a tiny part of it, while at the same time you ignore the greatest part of it to circumvent the constitution. You must take Islam in totality for what it really is, a totalitarian theo-political ideology with the main goal and sole purpose of subjugating the world via the imposition of Sharia, and no such system is protected under the first amendment of the constitution or any other amendment for that matter.

    Moreover, Islam in stark contrast to faith-based religions is also the only religion of submission in the world, whereby all Muslims must submit to the will of Allah, i.e., Sharia, the divine will of Allah, and Sharia is a harsh totalitarian legal system that institutionalizes discrimination against females and non-Muslims and that also incorporates a system of draconian punishments such as stonings, amputations, and beheadings.

    Not only that, but the religion of Islam also forbids the freedom of conscience under the pain of death. Hence, a Muslim can’t leave the religion of Islam, as that is murtaad (apostasy), which is a very serious offense in Islam that is punishable under the pain of death. Furthermore, a Muslim can’t even question the tenets of their religion, as that is blasphemy, an offense in Islam also punishable under the pain of death.

    Hence, even if Islam was a religion alone and not also a very radical form of totalitarianism that seeks world domination, I seriously doubt it would be protected under the first amendment of the constitution because you will never convince me that the founders would have intended to protect such a religion that is so antithetical to every American ideal and is so adversarial to everything they stood for.

    Therefore, I oppose the building of the ground zero supremacist mega mosque not only because it is a symbol of Islamic supremacism and an indignation to the victims of 9/11, but also since Islam is not just a religion but also a very radical form of totalitarianism that seeks world domination, Islam must be outlawed in the USA altogether.
  3. Ahab the Arab

    Ahab the Arab Veteran Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Damn...that's the most intelligent post I have ever seen you make! I'm impressed. :hihi:

    However, in addition to being a religion of submission that forbids the freedom of conscience under the pain of death alone, Islam is also a very radical form of totalitarianism that seeks to subjugate the world via the imposition of Sharia, a harsh totalitarian legal system that institutionalizes discrimination against females and non-Muslims and that also incorporates a system of draconian punishments such as stonings, amputations, and beheadings, and therefore should be outlawed on those grounds in the USA and indeed the West altogether. :usaflagwa
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    we are not clear on what you mean.

    wait, say it a thousand more times, i dont get it.
  5. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I hate when people don't understand when they are being mocked. It takes all the fun out of it.
    1 person likes this.
  6. Ahab the Arab

    Ahab the Arab Veteran Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Why do you think I put the smiley face genius?
  7. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    2 people like this.
  8. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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  9. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    my favorites were:

    suspicious packages - that one sent iced tea spewing
    turban cowboy
    72 virgin drinks

    that was priceless. i'll chip in to see it done.
    1 person likes this.
  10. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    Just thought you'd be interested in this Sourdoughman...

    2 kings 10:18-27

    18 Jehu gathered all the people together and said to them: "Ahab served Baal to some extent, but Jehu will serve him yet more. 19 Now summon for me all Baal's prophets, all his worshipers, and all his priests. See that no one is absent, for I have a great sacrifice for Baal. Whoever is absent shall not live." This Jehu did as a ruse, so that he might destroy the worshipers of Baal. 20 Jehu said further, "Proclaim a solemn assembly in honor of Baal." They did so, 21 and Jehu sent word of it throughout the land of Israel. All the worshipers of Baal without exception came into the temple of Baal, which was filled to capacity. 22 Then Jehu said to the custodian of the wardrobe, "Bring out the garments for all the worshipers of Baal." When he had brought out the garments for them, 23 Jehu, with Jehonadab, son of Rechab, entered the temple of Baal and said to the worshipers of Baal, "Search and be sure that there is no worshiper of the LORD here with you, but only worshipers of Baal." 24 Then they proceeded to offer sacrifices and holocausts. Now Jehu had stationed eighty men outside with this warning, "If one of you lets anyone escape of those whom I shall deliver into your hands, he shall pay life for life." 25 As soon as he finished offering the holocaust, Jehu said to the guards and officers, "Go in and slay them. Let no one escape." So the guards and officers put them to the sword and cast them out. Afterward they went into the inner shrine of the temple of Baal, 26 took out the stele of Baal, and burned the shrine. 27 Then they smashed the stele of Baal, tore down the building, and turned it into a latrine, as it remains today.

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