...as you knew you would. I trust folks who actually have personal knowledge of something and a willingness to have an open mind moreso than someone with no personal experience and no willingness to change. PS Tree is here to stay. I'd suggest you find a better way to deal with it.
But, as I stated, people very frequently take them that don't have prescriptions. Further, I've pointed out how many prescription drugs are far worse for you than tree. So what if they're legal? They still screw up people's lives. Where is your vociferous objection to that? Somehow, they're immune from criticism because they've been deemed acceptable by a corrupt and incompetent administration? The law is far from infallible. I wouldn't have posed the questions if they had already been discussed. And they still haven't... True. But I don't agree that being educated by actual life experiences would be considered biased towards anything but the truth. I'm well aware of the negative consequences of drug abuse. I've experienced them first-hand and second-hand. But that doesn't mean that those consequences are inevitable. Actually, my perspective is ground just as firmly in years of research. I've never met one M.D. that thought that marijuana should be illegal (and yes, I've asked quite a few of them). You're kidding yourself if you don't think that there is an abundance of research that supports my stance.
I find it interesting that this thread only started a few days ago and it's tied for the most responses and is first in the number of views of any other thread in Free Speech Alley. What are you lurkers doing? Anyone else have something to contribute either for or against the weed?
Bengal is ignoring a lot of really good points through this thread. I think the best point made yet in an effort to show Bengal the problem with his way of thinking was bayarea's because he points out why Bengal has the view that he does. He's a social worker or something like that, so since everyone he sees has problems with the substance, he assumes that it cannot be used without having these problems. Obviously, this is not true. Caffeine & Alcohol are drugs, and so is a prescription. Bengal doesn't seem able to realize that these substances affect you in the exact same way as an illegal drug. All of them can be abused, and all of them have negative side affects (to a degree). The difference is propoganda/attention and tax money. There's no real reason that marijuana should be illegal while alcohol isn't.