Arpaio routinely, deliberately, and systematically violated the civil and constitutional rights of AMERICAN CITIZENS. The court ordered him to stop, but he persisted. He has now been indicted because those activities are outrageously criminal... they're the types of things conducted by undemocratic police states.... not to mention direct violations of our Constitution's Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments. Now Trump has pardoned Arpaio before he has even been convicted, against all pardon traditions, against promises by his Administration that it would only come after a formal process. What Trump has just said is that "hey, this guy was doing something I approve of so it doesn't matter what the law is. Courts don't matter. The Constitution doesn't matter. I AM THE LAW NOW." Disgusting, unAmerican... if the GOP allows him to get away with this stuff they will have signaled that they're quite OK with tyranny.
You are a crazy paranoid if you believe that. Did you make it up yourself or did groupthink central issue that bit of fake news.
You do realize he was convicted for criminal contempt, right? Not for anything he did but for defying a judge.
Ding ding. After a decade, he was convicted of contempt and got a sentence equivalent to a misdemeanor. They used his own words against him which I don't think he regrets. Sheriffs in AZ pulled peeps over for no traffic cause and went in to mostly Hispanic neighborhoods with the explicit goal of finding and turning illegals over to ICE for deportation. Racial profiling? Yes. But don't we call for racial profiling when people from muslim countries like Syria or who have visited Syria try to enter/re-enter the US? Had we done a better job of racial profiling, then 14 people in San Bernardino wouldn't have been shot to death by a couple of muslims.
Yea, ok. With all these leaks, you think for half a second if ANYONE had the slightest proof of collusion we wouldn't have it by now? That's just ridiculous. Survive? He'll be president for 8 years. Not sure what you mean about survive. He's not going anywhere. Keep drinking the kool-aid, my friend.
Sure it matters. It doesn't restrict his power to pardon a person who commits a Federal offense, except for impeachment. Arpaio wasn't impeached, so there, wasn't that easy?
He did worse than mere racial profiling, you dishonest cretin. He regularly detained American citizens because of the color of their skin. And, by the way.... we no longer have to wonder how Germans allowed Hitler to rise to absolute power. We now SEE it in actual play.... enough cowardly apologists and dipshits combined with outright racists allow him to get away with the murder of the Constitution.
Don't pretend to honor the Constitution while simultaneously pooh-poohing the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments... because that renders you immediately hypocritical, untrustworthy, and not to be taken seriously.