I'm disappointed in the lack of intellectual honesty here. I've expected it from Rex and his ilk but seeing the ridiculous and tortuous defense of Trump and his actions shows too many on the right are no better. Justice and honor have no place. It's just whose ox is being gored.
Here's a little more on the "sterling" qualities Arpaio displayed. He cost Maricopa County over $200,000,000 in wasted money and $100,000,000 in judgements. @uscvball you showed one example of a possibility defensible case. What about the dozens of others that were blatantly criminal acts??? How can you defend any of this or his body of work? What makes Tump's action acceptable even if legal???? http://amp.usatoday.com/story/606012001/
I agree. Also what you told me last night about Arpaio and Mueller and the message he is sending. Paul Begala just said the same thing but he also said trump may be sending a message to the people Mueller is investigating. Keep your mouth shut, I'll pardon you.
Any red herring argument deflecting an attack on Trump by bring up Obama or Clinton and vice versa is a whipping. And it is a first go to by a few.
What have I ever been dishonest about here? I support my opinions thoroughly and factually. You're just pissed that I'm much better at this than anybody else here. I might be a bit confident and unafraid to admit so... for which I don't win fans I don't want, anyway.... but you come across as little more than a whiner armed with spuriousness and false equivalencies.
It's called "whataboutism", and not only is it highly hypocritical it's wildly unconvincing.... Clinton and Obama were thoroughly, thoroughly, thoroughly investigated..... by REPUBLICANS desperate for scandals who could never find anything to indict.
As someone who considers themselves a diet liberal I have to disagree with you here. I agree with the general idea of some of the topics you bring up, but you are very combative and condescending. I can't stand Trump just as much as you, I can't stand everything about him and I have detested him long before he ever ran for office. I can't stand Arpaio I've been calling for his head on this board for years. But there is a way to have a conversation with people (minus kid kaka, fuck that dude) without an air of superiority, and Winston although we disagree on issues is probably one of the most level headed, and fair posters we have on this board. Liberals have to stop playing the victim even when victimized. We have stop crying about being done wrong and find solutions and get like minded folks to speak at the ballot box.