@Kikicaca and @LSUpride123 how can you demand justice for HRC's actions but not Arpaio's??? It's no excuse that because she got away with it he should too. That argument just shows you're complete hypocrites. If you have any honesty and honor you would be more upset that someone you like did it.
Yeah I am doing it again not letting you leftist shut down free speech. I know you would prefer I go away and not challenge your pot induced dribble, that aint gonna happen.
Sorry what did he do so bad to not get pardoned? And yes since it's all presidents right to pardon it IS relavent to compare Trumps pardon to his predecessors.
Daddy Trump can do no wrong. With Pride I think it's more about wanting liberals to suffer and for trolly mctrollerson I think he is just a dumb ass that only listens to people like Sean Hannity and Alex Jones. Kind of like Trump.
computer,.. I see how to do it, but what happens?.. no notices?.. does his posts show? what if he responds to mine?
Nope not at all, it just has a little message inside the thread that says "show ignored content" if you click if you can see his posts and when you leave the thread it goes right back ignore.