Pot isn't a drug. And they weren't talking about pot. Their deduction was based on the fact that I was a white dude driving a car with Texas plates on a road that's in a predominantly black neighborhood that I've used as a cut through basically my entire life. And this is pineville not Queens.
Washington Post breaking: Trump asked Sessions about dropping the case against Arpaio; Sessions told him that would be inappropriate: https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...139abce39f5_story.html?utm_term=.5415fae96eac
That's completely fucked though, and that cop is a buffoon. You say you didn't get upset but you would have had a right to be furious. A fair answer to his invasive questions would have been, "None of your business, what law have I broken?" Police should pull over people who are actually doing something suspicious or illegal, not because a certain race shouldn't be in a certain neighborhood at a certain hour.
Pot is legally classified as a drug. But that's besides the point. If the police pulled over 10 white guys with out the state plates in a bad neighborhood late at night the odds are that 6 or 7 of them would be there looking for drugs. How many of the 6 or 7 had scored yet would depend but the fact is that you fit the profile they were looking for. I've been pulled over in the same situation myself and i didn't like it any more than you did but society generally agrees that apprehending drug users and dealers is a good thing. The cops are only doing what we collectively as a society hired them to do. Even in a place as small as Pineville there is drug dealing going on. Stop enough white guys with Texas plates and the odds are 100% that sooner or later they catch one with kilos of cocaine or meth.
If you want to educate yourselves and better understand what Arpaio has been doing and why he doesn't deserve a pardon read the DOJ report. He was convicted of refusing to follow the court's directive that came as a result of this. https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/crt/legacy/2011/12/15/mcso_findletter_12-15-11.pdf
It's basically Trump pardoning someone strictly because he helped with his campaign. Imagine if Hillary Clinton did something like this had she won.
It may have been a fair answer and for some it's the answer that works.....for them. I wasn't raised that way. For me, there's a time and place for attitude and talking to the police isn't it. I've also been pulled over for looking too short (I'm 5'9"), too young (I was 17 at the time), and being out too early on Easter morning (I worked at a hospital with a 6AM shift start). These were cops hoping to get my number. That's when I took their badge number and went on my way.