I won't defend Arapaio's actions you've described above but that's not what he was accused or convicted of. He was held in contempt of court because he wouldn't stop profiling people who were Hispanic. His sentence was in line with a misdemeanor. So the facts are that Trump pardoned someone guilty of a misdemeanor. Now, if the Feds want to get after him for everything else, then have at it.
And I'm not sure jail is needed for the crimes he was charged with. However he should never be allowed to be in law enforcement or hold any government job. And while we are on that subject that's another thing we should look at. If you are convicted of crimes, like racial profiling or any other crime that can prevent you from getting a private sector job, you shouldn't be allowed to get a public sector one either. How many congressmen and senators and mayors have rap sheets? I think it's quite a few if I'm not mistaken democrat and republican.
Joe Arpaio is pro-Trump trash who helped spread that racist birther lie about Obama. He's VERY typical of pro-Trump trash.... of the type that even spoke for him on stage at the Republican convention. We all know the type.... the Scott Baio trash type. We all remember Scott Baio, don't we? The talentless adolescent actor whose only recent relevance was that he was about as big a celebrity as Trump could find to speak for him. So, what did this Scott Baio trash tweet about after Charlottesville, where Heather Hyer was murdered by even more pro-Trump trash? Well, that Heather Hyer's mother was a paid actor, the same as a woman back in Sandy Hook, according to Trash Baio, paid to cry about losing a child. So, when an actual person who lost her sister and a child to Sandy Hook responded that Baio was spreading falsehoods and hate, what did Trash Baio's trash wife tweet back to that grieving sister and mother, in support of her trash husband's trash? Well, take a look at this gutter trash from Trash Mrs. Baio: Have I already mention that that type of trash is all too common among Trump supporters? I'll tell you something else about Trash Baio's and Mrs. Baio's utter trash tweets... they reflect two even more serious problems in this country than Donald Trump: hatred and stupidity fueled by phony right wing "news" organizations like Fox, Limbaugh, the Daily Caller, etc. and stupid religious fundamentalism. Both need to be drowned out in this country by a return to what made America great... pragmatism, inclusiveness, togetherness, optimism, diversity, progressiveness..... we need to clear out the trash. And if any of YOU don't want to look like trash maybe you should stop defending trash, stop palling around with trash, and stop espousing the same trash that the trash do.
This is why you get shit from me. If you had your way you would ruin someones life forever by totally denying them the right to work a public or private sector job. Because you hate Joe Arpaio you would try to ruin him financially, very typical liberal. You think you are a reasonable objective moderate but your anything but.
Heed my advice... you probably should stop defending trash because it makes yourself look like trash. ARE you trash? If not, stop acting like trash.
First he was convicted in Federal Court of contempt. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-...iff-joe-arpaio-convicted-of-criminal-contempt The Feds don't have the jurisdiction to cover the others. You'll have to ask the Phoenix and Maricopa county authorities why he wasn't indicted for the other. As to the torture of prisoners there is documented evidence. Not only that the sheriffs office paid $8.25 million and is exposed to many others. Sport I don't have to rationalize my position vis-a-vie where I stood on Obama, HRC or the democrats. Do a little research on my positions over the last several years in this forum. Then ask yourself if you're being at all fair or have been showing how clueless you are. Finally I hold Trump to the same standards as I do his predecessors and if you don't you have no justification or standing. The sword of Damocles hangs over us all. Trump needs to answer for his actions.
That's not what he said. He said no law enforcement or government job. He also said if Arpaio is denied a private job, then public jobs should also be off-limits. Basically if Arapaio racially profiles then the only jobs he should be able to get are ones where racial profiling isn't an option. No management, no law enforcement, no government. There are still lots of options. Nothing is stopping him from starting his own company doing law enforcement consulting or flipping burgers.
Here we go ladies and gentlemen! Rex wants to "clear out" Fox, Rush and I have to assume all conservative radio shows , the Daily Caller and yes those stupid religious fundamentalist yes that what he said those stupid religious fundamentalist. Yes this is the guy who calls anyone who disagrees with his agenda a Nazi racist yet at the same time calls for shutting down opposition. I am afraid there are millions of Rex's out there. I am a conservative yes but do you see us conservatives forming mobs to shut down free speech by liberals on college campuses? Do you see conservatives calling to "clear out" left wing news and radio? Do you see conservatives calling for the murder of cops? Do you see conservatives calling to "clear out" religious groups? This is why I am the way I am politically.