I like it. :thumb: Too bad it doesn't hold much water, women compete against each other FAR more than men, in social settings. Pretty girls like to hang out with fugly ones so they look better. Women also turn on each other at the drop of a hat while men will walk outside a bar, beat the crap out of one another, and walk back in the bar to have a beer together.
That's not exactly how it goes down. Theres a secret society and secret hand signals that allow the other girls in the group to know "I'm taking this one home and I will see you all tomorrow." Guess you haven't seen those signals... :wink:
Probably cause I brought 'em both home. :hihi: I could tell you a true story bout that, but you wouldn't believe it. :wink:
There are signals to let you know if he's carrying lil bugs in his pants. If you ever see girls making crab claws and pinching with their hands you'll know the reason. I really shouldn't be letting you in on this info... but I guess it can't hurt now that you're married. Any single guys reading this must forget everything that was mentioned...:thumb:
The gift that keeps on giving. And she musta got the crabs on a toilet seat or sumpin cause I ain't got 'em. Well, at least I didn't before she came around. That's ma story and I'm stickin to it. :wave: Oh, you're bad, you're making me talk filthy. I gotta go finish cooking supper.