TF Open Primary

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by PodKATT, Feb 15, 2008.


Who is your candidate

  1. Obama

    9 vote(s)
  2. Clinton

    2 vote(s)
  3. McCain

    23 vote(s)
  4. Huckabee

    10 vote(s)
  1. BrettStah

    BrettStah Tiger Fan

    Sep 29, 2003
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    Here's one - She was a proponent of NAFTA when her husband's administration was supporting its passage/ratification. Now she says she is against it.
  2. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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  3. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    or the fact that she is on tape talking about the same WMD's you just mentioned, voted FOR going in, and now singing a different tune. Sure we may have been chasing a ghost, but she said it, she voted for it, she should own it.
  4. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    she wants to give illegals drivers licenses, then she doesn't?

    I could do this all day. She is STRONG on womens rights, yet allows the "cigar master" to abuse her the way he has done? Come on, this broad is morally bankrupt. We won't even get in to how many people the clintons have had axed. Tell me how Ron Brown dies in a "Plane Crash" but actually has a bullet in his grape. Or the guy that "committed suicide" in the park with a gun that was found 20' from the body?
  5. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I selected McCain. He has the experience. He is a war hero. He is conservative enough for me. If he can reign in spending and push Congress to curb pork legislation I will consider him a success. His outlook on Iraq seems short sighted, as he maintains we need a presence there.

    I don't like Hillary Clinton as a politician. She is not her husband. I think alot of her supporters think electing Hillary would mean 4 more years like the Bill Clinton years. I think it means 4 years of poorly thought out ideas like "HillaryCare." If I thought electing Hillary would bring about a balanced budget and a buy down of the national debt then she would be higher on my radar.

    Obama is inspiring, eloquent, and scary as hell. His world poverty act reeks of "one world government" mentality. To me he is willing to give up American sovereignty to the UN. I do not like his healthcare plan. I do not like his tax plan.

    Huckabee just isn't a real enough possibility for me to consider.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Screw the UN, okay got that off my chest. Good points supa. After spending a few years in iraq, (and yes Red, this again, an opinion) I don't think it really matters what polotician from this country wants us to have a presence there. The iraqis don't like us and at some point what little support we have there will break down.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Ok, you tell me. Be prepared to offer facts, not more hate rhetoric from Limbaugh.

    You tell me. What evidence is there that "The Clintons" had him axed? What was their motive, he was one of theirs. How did they do it. Who accuses them of it?

    Ron Brown died in a plane crash. It's a fact and history. Why do you put it in "quotes"? Prove that it didn't happen. No bullet was found in Ron Brown, it is a made-up rumor. Good luck, I'll chop your argument to pieces if you don't offer some documentable facts. :grin:

    What guy? What evidence is there that "The Clintons" had him axed? What was their motive, he was one of theirs? How did they do it? Who accused them of it?

    The gun was found in Vince Foster's hand, although it is unusual for a .38 caliber weapon to remain in a person's hand after discharge. Propelled by its powerful recoil, a .38 often is thrown a considerable distance, sometimes as much as 15 feet. It was Fosters glasses that were found 19 feet away.

    From Wikipedia:
    Where's the beef? Show me one bit of evidence that he was murdered, much less that Clinton killed him.
  8. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Because he has shown the most interest in getting out of Iraq and not getting involved in 100 year wars with other havens for terrorism. I think extensive, unnecessary action abroad will bring our economy to its knees. Attacking Iran would be a big f'in mistake given the current state of our armed forces, not to mention that attacking Iran is entirely unnecessary. There are other, better ways to deal with terrorism. We can't afford to continue to prop up Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. Clinton also says she wants to get out of Iraq, but I don't trust her a bit. I think we'll get something closer to our current foreign policy with Clinton and McCain.
  9. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    All "I" really need (because it is MY vote) is this mountain of contraversy that surronds the clintons. It doesn't really matter what the "facts" are, the real FACTS are that a whole lot of people that worked in the clinton camp are now worm food. That is enough for me to label them as scum. Hell if I'm not careful the scoundrels might come after me. (Bring it on slick willie you will rue the day.) Wikapedia? Come on Red, you are much too smart to use that as your source. Anyone can post anything on wikapedia. I'm not saying its all bogus but you can do better amigo. You are correct in one thing, I do HATE the clintons, ALL of them (excluding George cause the funk master can straight get down) all the others are no good.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Fine, vote for who you want to. But when anyone posts BS rumors as facts here, I'm going to shoot them down. It's my thing.

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