Well, I'll give the Texas posters on their insiders site some props as 99% of them think it was a classless act and are embarassed.
Poor t-sips I grew up in Texas. Listening to their fans, one would think that t-sip university invented football and baseball. In terms of football, Mack Brown has 0 conference championships...amazing! According to the media, he is the best ever. I say bring UT to Baton Rouge for a Saturday night game!!! :lsug: :geaux: :lsug:
Yo man, if u CHOKED like UT did in those 2 games, with your UNTOUCHABLE bullpen being more than touched up, would u crawl out from under a hole? No!
So what if they didn't go back on the field! Talk about sportsmanship, the OSU baseball team never would even shake the hands of their opponents after a game with their last head coach. I don't know if they do it with their new coach this year. Who cares?