There has only been one time ever that refusing to accept second place medals was acceptable. That was when the USA basketball team got screwed in the 1972 Olympics. To this day no member of that team has picked up the silver medal. For the Wronghorns to refuse to accept their losers trophies shows no class.
I can't understand why this behavior would surprise anyone - this is par for the course at UT. They also don't have any room in their 2nd place trophy case. Now that this baseball season is over, CAN THE SPORTS MEDIA AND THE STATE OF TEXAS PLEASE REMOVE THEIR HEADS FROM HOUSTON STREET'S REAR END? I AM SICK OF SEEING THAT KID EVERY TIME I TURN AROUND.
Texas Longhorns = Poor Sports I guess their are 2 National Champions in baseball this year to go along with the 2 in football. What a crock of s@it. That is a disgrace. They were picked to win when they got there and rolled thru the tournament to lose the last 2 games themselves. Its not like this is they way it was a year or 2 when you could lose once and lose the championship game. They have lost fair and square and they still whine. Man I really hate those bastards from Texas.
Pretty classless act by a classless program and fans. I think Texas ruined their reputation with the fine folk in Omaha by pulling that stunt. Link to article from Omaha Did anyone else see the sign that the CSF fan was holding that read, "WE MESS WITH TEXAS" I got a good laugh out of that one.
As I posted in the other forum: I see no big deal in not coming out for the 2nd place handoff.... With that said, if we didn't shake hands or congratulate the Champs, then crucify us. But if we did the first part, then accepting the runner-up trophy is no big deal to me, nor arrogant either. Did any other team stick around to get the 3rd or 4th place paperwork? Probably not. Maybe there is some motivational ploy at work here, we'll have to wait and see. Otherwise, thanks for playing, season's over.
can't spin this. its wrong and sends a bad message for the coach to even allow this behavior. if you were there, you accept it graciously. By denying to you are taking away from the other team's accomplishments and its a slap in the face. totally inexcusable.
Keep telling yourself there is nothing wrong with being a SORE LOSER ... maybe you'll actually believe it one day!
hey pablo... I live in DFW and I would say at least 90% off the UT faithful have expressed great displeasure of this move both on the radio (The Ticket and ESPN 103.3) as well as the UT people here where I work. this was a classless act by Augie and UT. they never shyed away when the media was calling them the #1 seeds and basically handing them the championship, but lose two in a row and finish second and all you media and the NCAA can go to hell ad take your trophy with you....we are UT dammit! That is poor, poor, poor sportsmanship.......bottom line. :dis: :dis: :dis:
My friend who is a UT alumni can't believe this. This is a total classless act. How can this team be so full of themselves? UT should be embarrased and should publicly repremand the coach. :dis: :dis: :dis:
as someone stated I really thought Augie was above this. Are the inmates running the asylum? I woulda never guessed in a million years he would allow this.