I have to go to a damn wedding. Someone my wife works with, I don't even know these people. Why does anyone schedule a wedding during Football season, that's why I got married in April.
No way do I miss this game for a strangers wedding.....Is that a cough I here, I think you need to stay home, you sound sick..
Bolobolo...if you have the legal tender, do what I do for home games... The game will be televised on CBS...Go to Circuit City or Comp USA or Radio Shack or wherever you feel comfortable and buy a slim model pocket television. Wear long sleeves, and slide that bad boy out and watch, and make sure you make frequent excuses to to go the bathroom. Carry some Pepto with you in a breast coat pocket to help sell the deal. Maybe even some Immodium. When you can't sneak away, Slide it into your sleeve and just watch it on mute. But, just make a habit of going to the "bat-room" every so often if you can't sneak it in while you're there at the ball...
Oh man that is terrible, appears you are truly screwed. I feel much better about the game now though, for if I had to miss it like that it would be sure to be the absolute best game, and most Glorious Tiger Victory in History. I am sure you feel the same. I will be there in person to see it, cant wait. Well, take care, gotta run finish loading the van and get on the road. hehe GEAUX TIGERS!
I must be the only woman ever to do this, but I invented an "illness" to avoid going to a party at my husband's best friend's house during the Alabama game. I sent my husband--and my sincere apologies, and even though I hate to watch a game alone, I still enjoyed every minute of it! Three years ago, we had theatre tickets the night of the LSU/Mississippi State game (it went into overtime.) I set the VCR for a five hour taping. My husband came along behind me, thought that was a ridiculous lenght of time to tape, and changed the program to 3 and a half hours. At 2 a.m., the tape shut off just as the coin was being tossed for overtime. My husband no longer messes with me where LSU football is concerned--I guarantee... Get sick. I'm boycotting a work-related Christmas party tomorrow night. As IF I'd miss the SECCG!
I've never been able to pull off taping a game and hiding from the score updates while in Louisiana but pulled it off once in Houston. It's a lot easier over here but the game this weekend has national implications so maybe it would be more difficult. I've mentioned my sob story for the LSU/Tenn SEC Championship game but I'll give it one more time. My parents, wife, and I went to Tyler, TX to visit my grandmother for her birthday. Our plan was to spend the day with her, have a nice dinner, and watch the game that night at her house. We had a nice day and dinner and sat down to watch the game as it was coming on the air. Anyway, would you believe that the local affiliate decided to air Michael Jordan against the Mavs (not even his first game back) on one station and an Unsolved Mysteries rerun on the other? My dad and I ran out the door with phone book in hand to find a location that had the game, Chili's, various sports bars, Circuit City, and finally gave up right before the half. We listened to the rest of the game (thank God for that strong 870 signal) in my grandmother's driveway. I just couldn't believe that a NATIONALLY TELEVISED game like that one wasn't aired anywhere in Tyler. It's like Charles Barkley said when he couldn't watch the World Series when travelling to another country, "Maybe they should call it the Almost World Series."
To StaceyO above That will always work with the Fairer sex, because if you meet with any questions at all from the males all it takes is a look and a vague insinuation that the illness is somehow "female related", topic dropped, you win. And I assure you, you are not the sole offender in the use of this device. As an aside, capitulation by the males does not necessarily indicate they accept the story, it is just that the smart ones have figured out that in this arena they cannot win anyway.
It's kind of like the tickets I've gotten out of by batting my eyelashes at cops. I don't think that would work for guys either. lsu99, the Dallas CBS affiliate did the SAME thing in 2001, and I was literally stuck at home cradling my daughter in a rocking chair (she was only four months old and had a cold.) I turned into a raving lunatic in 0.1 seconds--then a message scrolled across the screen that the SECCG was being broadcast on an alternative local channel. NO respect!
Some of you guys need to sit the wife down and firmly explain that LSU Football is part of what makes you who you are. LSU is playing in the SECCG and NOTHING short of a funeral of an immediate family member will be just cause for missing the game. If you go to a friend's wedding or a son's whatever, you would be doing an unnatural thing and you would be unhappy and everyone around you would then be unhappy. Do your thing. Be who you are. Watch the game. She will respect you for being straight with her. Just do it. And, tell her that if the Tigers win, she can break out the Victoria Secret package that has the "Do not Open 'Til Christmas" tag on it.