Can anyone relate any other player that has done anything like this and what Saban has done as far as disciplinary action? I hope this doesn't warrant anything too harsh. And yes we need to hear out what actually happened. So it's no use to prejudge.
Nick is 5 or 6 players over the 85 limit for August. If there aren't enough transfers, grayshirts, or drop-outs this summer, it may be a bad year to get in a public fight.
The athletic department's response was that "there is always two sides to a story". They must know something. McGill got into a fight (couple punches) over he said/she said about a girl. Is that alone reason to boot a 19 year old kid from a program? IMO probably not. However, if I drove by the practice fields at 5:30am every weekday for the next month I would expect to see McGill running and puking.
I'm planning on being in BR this week end. If you want to, my six brothers and I will come over and we will go with you to whip her butt. (if she is not too big)
Channel 2 said that a misdemeanor summons for simple battery is equivalent to a speeding ticket. Small fights happen all the time. If it wouldn't be an LSU football player, it wouldn't be an issue. How many times have bouncers busted people up and nothing happens? Its a non-issue. Saban might put him on double-secret probation or something to ensure that it doesn't happen again.
I bet Saban thinks it's a big deal. Off the field problems have been very few under Saban ... he demands better behavior from his players. Saban takes as much pride in character building than he does in winning football games. Assuming this is the first time McGill has caused any trouble, I doubt it will affect his status with the team. However, McGill might be in the best shape of his life when Saban is done with him!