By the time of the Tennessee game the hospital ship of the military can hold all the sick and injured from LSU. The Hotel situation is a completely different matter. May i suggest a tent city and portable showers for the traveling Tenn. people since that is what most of those hillbillies are used too. Put the opposing players up in the Govenor mansion since Blanco is such a big LSU fan. She will still be in hiding anyway. Put the ESPN folks in Skip Bertmans house. Pt the tiger fans up in fellow LSU fans.
Agree, but there is no way we don't open Tiger Stadium up for this game. Let the Vols scramble for their reservtions any way they can. No mercy for Fat Phil & the Rocky Top brigade. LSU fans could host a "Board a Vol Fan" campaign like ASU is doing for us. :rofl: You're a funny guy!
My uncle's best friend (is a big Tenn booster) has said that Tenn. is currently planning to fly the team in first thing on Saturday, along with a few other chartered jets for their fans, play the game, and then fly back afterwards so they don't have to concern themselves with hotels, etc. ...and that's what they're thinking about doing and I like the idea (should there be no hotels available for them). The only negative (if you choose to look at it that way even) is that the game would be moved to a 2:00 start--which, given the circumstances, is PERFECTLY ok by me!
The plan is to have the game.....all refugees and triage is supposed to be off campus by early next week. that will give LSU 1.5 weeks to get everything in order. Should be plenty of time. GAME ON!!!! LSU!
They can't make a plan that far ahead of time because right now, nobody knows what's around the corner. Things change day by day & you can't expect them to know what's going to be happening in 3 weeks or even in a week & a half.
I feel dumber every time I see the title of this thread. Same for the "Do you think the Tigers can get an upset" thread.