Get you some poster board.....make a sign........."IS A BEAR CATHOLIC? DOES THE POPE CHIT IN THE WOODS? LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU"------Plenty of people will talk to you.... :hihi:
Call me King of the SEC Homers, but TN will beat ND. ND has not played anybody with the kind of D that TN has. Coaching VS. Talent, and this time Talent wins. TN 17 ND 13
Good for you! A lot of people here hate ND with a passion, but I think mostly it is because they live or die with anything LSU. Don't get me wrong there, I love LSU with all of my heart, but only because I have pride in my state and was brought up to love the Tigers--they are MY team. However, Notre Dame is legendary. How can an unbiased, reasonable person watch a movie like "Rudy," for instance, and not get giddy over the tradition at ND. Sure LSU has tradition, no doubt about it, but ND is one of THE most glorified schools in the country. I would definately be lying to you if I said I'd rather go to LSU over ND--for school. And I'd also be lying if I told you I didn't have personal aspirations to attend ND. I applied to ND in high school and of course I wasn't accepted. I studied, made better grades, but didn't reapply... Long story short: Even if I were accepted, would anyone want to hand me $31,000.00 a year, plus, to go to school in Indiana? I didn't think so. It's just not feasible, or realistic. However, you better believe I'm leaving ND open for grad-school posibilities. There is a certain prestige that defines Notre Dame. Having said all of that, I get off of my pedestal and I'll have to say: You'll be stepping into one of the greatest sports-venues in the world, have fun!
When an 8th ranked Notre Dame beats out a 6th ranked LSU for the final BCS slot, you'll change your tune.
I think most people here really do not hate ND. They hate the way the media gives them way to much credit. We heard the same song and dance from the media when Tyrone Will. took over.
I don't give a ratsass about notre dame and I hope the coondogs will beat 'em like a redheaded bastid stepchile. It was a sad day recently when they played USC because I found myself pulling for 'em for the first time in my life. Go Coondogs. By the way, if you've never visited the domer campus, do so if you get the chance. Quite a beautiful place.