i was a camp counsleor for vacation bible school (at the school my mom taught) when i was 13 or 14 but i was in charge of P.E. and recess so i basically got to throw dodgeballs at 9 year olds for a few weeks 7 hrs a day. it's good work if you can get it.
I worked at TinselTown near Walmart on Siegen. Since has closed. For those who complain about theaters charging too much for a ticket and then the food, the theater makes at most 5% off of the ticket price(the rest goes to Hollywood). Thats why concessions is so high, because that is the only place they can make any money.
My first job was digging trinoshes for a duck club. I got $400 dollars and a free membership for the most back breaking work I have ever done. I have since been a life guard at the YMCA, pool manager, taught swimming lessons, coached a swim team, picked okra, worked at chic fil a, weighted tables at Outback Steakhouse, shucked oyesters, worked for a Vietnamese crabber, and now am an internal controls consultant.
Grandparents bait shop. (Duco's in Pierre Part) turtle pond. DJ at parties and school dances. (6th 7th 8th grade) did some pressure washing and grass cutting Highschool Mechanic and tire College Abercrombie & fitch Busser at Louisiana Lagniappe Waiter at J. Alexanders.
First job was an umpire at the Lafayette Little League....started out doing Pee Wee when i was about 12 yrs old making (i think) $15 a game for a 1 1/2 hour game. Usually would do one game a night on weekdays and up to 6 games on weekends. Moved up to Minors and Majors when i was 15 yrs old making about $20 a game for a 2 hour game. Slowly began doing junior and senior league games when i was 17 which paid a little more. I basically spent every waking hour while not at school at the little league fields....playing, umpiring, and eventually even coaching a little in the Junior Leagues. btw....i did get to throw out a parent when i was calling the plate for a major league game. i must have been about 15 or 16...it was great!!! :lol:
Potato peeler for Burger Chef. Was promoted to potatoe frier and eventually made it to the burger assembly line when I retired from the burger business. Was making 50 cents an hour starting out, making 75 cents when I retired.
Always wondered about that, feel guilty now for wearing those over sized clothes and having the wife bring the "large" purse.......not:grin: BTW, where the hells OT:huh: Sounded as though she was gettin all hot and bothered about posting on this thread, then "woosh"...gone:shock:
she was driving till just after 1:00 this morning then had to crash before getting up to go to work. tonight she and batty are out having 'ritas. god help the town of meridian, mississippi. :rofl: