Remember, TCU would not be in this ballgame if it wasnt for these moronic damn refs calling these BS calls. I'm sorry I will post more after I punch my wall....
What a TCU/OSU loss means to LSU in Computer Polls We're getting our arses kicked at 5.83 average ranking With Both TCU/OSU losing we project at 23-24 points=3.83-->4.0 I like that word "poser" ... describes TCU perfectly. And, next OSU When OSU & TCU both lose this weekend ... as predicted by Vegas and coupled by an LSU stomp of Ole Miss LSU 5.83 Computer Poll Average versus USC 3.33 (2.5 point diff) These lame-ass toads are ranked ... LOL ... were ranked: Anderson & Hester Poll (LSU=#5) #3 TCU loses, #2 OSU loses----->#4 USC/#5 LSU fight for #2/#3 Richard Billingsley Poll (LSU=#4) #9 TCU loses, #2 OSU loses----->#3 USC/#4 LSU fight for #2/#3 Colley Matrix #4 TCU loses, #2 OSU loses----->#3 USC-->#2, #7 LSU -->#5 Ken Massey #8 TCU loses, #2 OSU loses----->#4 USC-->#3, #3 LSU--->#2 Sagarin Poll #8 TCU loses, #3 OSU loses----->#2 USC-->#2, #7 LSU--->#5? LSU can jump all SEC teams and go to #4. Miami is the current #4 and may move to #3 (LOL...unbelievable) New York Times ....... flies buzzin insanely wild round this work This poll has us at #11 -------------> we get one throwaway, NYT Peter Wolfe (not much better than NYT ... we're #9) #5 TCU loses, #2 OSU loses----->#9 LSU ---------->#5 (we hope) Who's afraid of the big bad Wolfe? LSU is, they hold our fate. New Projected Wolfe poll: 1. OKLA, 2. Texas, 3. USC, 4.Tennessee, 5. LSU over GA Math Time (add em all up) 3+3+5+2+5?+Throw away NYT+5=3.83 (2 point decrease)