Tax on "Cadillac Health Plans"

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Texas_Tiger, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    You never proved a single one of your preposterous claims here, nor accepted a single one of the proofs that I have linked. Pardon me if I simply ignore you.
  3. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    But what is your opinion of the back room deals that are being cut with this bill?
  4. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    And I think people should ignore you as well.
    We heard from you for 6 years just how bad crooked and dirty Bush and the Republicans lied and screwed things up.
    When asked why you only go after Bush and the Republicans you responded by saying because they were in power.
    Now that the tide has totally turned you still choose to ignore the crooked deals and lies and the absolute corruption of this Democrat congress and administration.
    No transparency in this administration or with the Dems like they promised.

    Someone should pull up some of those old threads for kicks.:lol:

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    I need audio of the teacher from Peanuts each time you post. :hihi:

    Speaking of not answering questions...I'm still waiting for you to tell me why Louisiana has always been ranked so low in quality of life categories when we've always been led by Democrats. BTW...Louisiana Democrats aren't the most liberal so why can't the moderate Democrats accomplish anything?

    So far all you've said is you voted for Jindal. Does that mean you agree Louisiana's Blue Dog Democrats have historically failed. The proof's in the pudding. :wink:

    Also...your "so-called" proofs are only in your head. You may be the expert to yourself but that means very little to the rest of us. No matter how hard you try to prove you're a're still just little ole red to us. :hihi:

    Based on many of your comments, I'm guessing my garbage man makes a more significant contribution to America than you.
  6. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    The polling data in my post. It links to Its a great site composing all the major polls in one spot without commentary or bias.

    The independent public opinion has fallen so much the only poll favoring Obama is the question about being better than Bush. He wins that 40-26% but, 47% of the independents now see his first year in office as a failure compared to 28% just a few months ago. Independents account for about one-third of the total. A 19% swing equals millions of changed opinions.

    EDIT: This graph is a good measuring stick. Its not specific to independents but...

  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    I thinks it's politics as usual. Not a single republican voted for the bill, despite many huge concessions made to the right to obtain some republican support. But the GOP voted NO in partisan lock-step, so they really don't have any investment in it now. Their presence in resolving the differences in the two passed bills would only be to obfuscate, delay, and poison the bill. This is the price of obstructionism.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    You're breaking my heart. :rolleye33:

    8 years.

    They were in power AND they suffered major military, social, economic, and foreign policy failures. When Obama fails at something, then I might agree with you, but you are crying about your fears for the future, NOT about any failures by Obama.

    You are dreaming if you believe this. Or just listening to FOX.

    Then do it. I guarantee that I can defend my statements of six years ago better than you can defend yours.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Ahh his points have dropped in his first year since the election. You do realiz that this has happened to every President in modern history? The euphoria of the election passes and people start judging them harder, later on the polls rebound in various degrees depending on his success. But the pattern of the first year showing disappointment that everything isn't fixed immediately happens to them all.

    How the Presidents Stack Up


    Sources: Gallup, AP, Wall Street Journal research

    NOTES: Plotted points are the averages of all approval polls taken by Gallup in each three-month period of each presidency. The first two points for Johnson and Ford are for polls taken in their first two months. Key dates are marked next to the poll results for the three-month period in which they took place.
  10. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    I said 6 years because I have only been around here for 6 years.
    I have no knowledge of anything up until then unless you want me to make it up.
    No I won't, as far as politics go you are a waste of time.
    You say I'm the one confused but everyone knows that you post like a liberal whether or not you have voted for Republicans.
    Even if you were playing Devils Advocate during the Bush years you have shown no tendency to criticize Democrats over the last year much less the Democrat congress over the last few years.
    Yes I have heard it before, you wouldn't criticize the democrat Congress because a Republican was president or in control of Congress.
    Now the tide has turned, all kind of dirty deeds in Dc by Dems and you ignore it.
    Everybody knows it Amigo, look around!

    One more thing, I don't watch Fox News.
    If everything was groovy with Obama Ted Kennedy's seat wouldn't
    be even close to being in play for the Republicans in Mass.
    You just have to be smart to figure these things out without watching the news.

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