Damn Mr. Liberal isn't about tatted up chicks... whuddathunkit. I have zero issue with women who ink themselves up. Very classy, and well placed tats, done by a good artist (not a scratcher), look pretty sexy. When it comes to ink, like guns for self defense, cheaper definitely is not better. You must spend the extra money to get a good artist with good line, shading, and coloring skills... My girlfriend doesn't have any ink, and that's fine with me. But if she ever decided she wanted some I would have zero issue with it.
I find tats sexy. At least until those butterfly tats wings start falling and letters get blurred as the women age. yuck.
I can't think of a greater contradiction in terms than "classy tattoo." Hate tats on women....any tat, any woman.
Hate them, Thet are trashy and send a message, one which I doubt is realized by the tattee. Males on the other hand are different. Tatted up men are prime marriage prospects for the ladies. They have no fear of commitment!