It's possible. No American Girl shit here. I have however, spent a small fortune on Legos for my son.
My two girls never went for dolls either even though Grammy tried to get them interested. I also have spent a small fortune, but on remote control helicopters that usually only last a few weeks. The ones they got Christmas are amazingly still functional.
Well, they beat the hell out of Lincoln Logs, don't they? I've watched kids build castles, Tyranosaurs, and stuff we could never do with Tinkertoys. At least when Legos were friggin' building blocks! I do not understand this designer Lego business. It's dollhouse stuff. Creepy.
At least they have beer mugs and a pilsner glass! My kids built and still build with a 500 piece wood kit, all different sizes and shapes. They also have a wood kit that you make structures that you roll a marble down that will go almost 4 feet high. The kit was expensive, but I didn't have to keep adding on. The plastic animals from Tractor Supply that they corral however...
i was pretty down on legos since they started selling them with instructions. but the internets has changed my mind. my 9 yo son makes some pretty cool stuff using ideas off the net--functioning guns, safes, puzzleboxes. btw, i thought this thread was about bathrooms. all for unisex bathrooms in public, but i prefer my own at home--damn messy women.