Take American Flag Down

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    And accurate!

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    pure nonsense. The federal government and FBI created a special unit to tackle and take down black hate groups, panthers, new black panthers, etc. It has never been socially acceptable.
  3. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    My mother used to tell me, "sometimes you have to consider the source.....and just move on." Louis Farrakan is a jack ass and so is the whack job who is the former black panther party leader. Why is this even news? Do you honestly think that they represent even a few percent of the black community?
  4. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    not certain, but i bet this was done because of communist ties and not hate speech.

    although, the concern about communist ties is basically about revolution which gets back to the first post.
  5. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Perhaps we should ask news people why it's news. I agree that he is probably a blip for the most part, however,
    "On Wednesday (June 24), Farrakhan went in on the U.S. flag while speaking at the Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, D.C.

    “We need to put the American flag down,” he told the crowd after letting them know that America doesn’t care about the nine people killed in a historic black Charleston church.

    “What flag do the police have?” Farrakhan wondered. “What flag flies over the ‘non-Justice’ Department? What flag flies over the White House where a black man lives that’s called nigger every day?” His angry comments were met with wild cheers and applause.”

    “We fought in wars under that flag,” he continued. “And came back and were hung and were murdered and brutalized under that flag.”

    Lowering his voice, Farrakhan said, “Well now, “we’re gonna pull the flag down.,” while going on to tell the audience it’s “as easy as pulling your pants down.”

    “We want justice under that flag,” he added. “What the hell is the use of us paying allegiance to a flag under which we get no justice?”

    Metropolitan is a prominent, well-attended, and highly respected church in DC. He was speaking alongside other religious and civil rights leaders. His comments were met with cheers and applause. There is no denying that black churches are the heart of the community and politics play there. Clinton was genius to use them during his campaign. So why is a jackass in the pulpit?
    shane0911 likes this.
  6. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Not stupid at all. If white men went around championing rights of whites like Jessie, Lewi, and Fooey (Al S) do, you can dam sure bet they'd be labeled racist. Not even a doubt.

    Not even going that far, I'd like to see how long a "White Miss American" pageant would last.lol
    gyver likes this.
  7. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    For the very same reason that every other jackass stands up behind that pulpit......money.

    On this we agree.

    I could really care less what he had to say at any church on any Sunday. People like him are irrelevant to me, much the same way that radicals from the right like David Duke. They are going to say inflammatory things because it gets them into the news and riles enough people to cause us to discuss it on this forum and, most importantly, gets them invited onto shows where they make money and stay in the public eye.

    By acknowledging this article and, thus, what the lunatic said, we have justified the writers and publishers of the article who purposely write and report inflammatory remarks because they are able to fill the 24 hours news cycle.
    Bengal B and LSUMASTERMIND like this.
  8. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    and I think this is what @TwistedTiger was getting at, that this loon can spout off whatever the hell he wants, that jerimiah whats his name can say "God Damn America" and other stuff like that while barry listened with a smile on his face and I'm sure it was only covered on one network. No one else really cares

    But they should

    If a white guy/gal started saying these types of things if would be hells come to breakfast. In the light of things that have happened recently the majority of the news outlets are acting as if we are back to 160 years ago and that is simply not true.
    gyver likes this.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Fighting for civil rights and hate speech are 2 different things. The people of topic was Farrakhan, who is pretty much labeled a racist and anti-Semite.
    Jesse and Al Sharpton did some good for a while, when guided by MLK and Ralph Abernathy, they are a shell of themselves, but dont go around preaching hate.
    Tiger in NC likes this.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    white guys do preach this kind of thing. David Duke got a considerable amount of votes in Louisiana as recent as the 1990s for the governorship. He preaches hate
    So what are you talking about exactly?

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