Could be worse, apparently Austin on Juneteenth day is a pretty bad day to be out and about...
Not sure whether you're referring to games where USC played utla or just both schools in general. There is a HUGE difference. At USC home games, it is very common to see tailgates with folks from both schools watching other games, eating, drinking, having fun. The group I tailgate with always has folks from other schools, often it's posters from other schools like kal, osu, asu. Several great friendships have been struck up between our fans and Arkie fans. They have been some of the best by far. When it comes specifically to the USC/utla game, not much joint tailgating going on. The hate is deep and as you can see in the post tiga made, things get ugly. This last year at the Rose Bowl is one of the WORST utla crowds I've ever experienced. Trash talking is one thing but having someone get in your face, screaming obscenities, and making threats (I was walking with one other girl BTW) is quite another. I suppose every game has a few of those fueled by alcohol but last year it was common place. Strangely enough, irish fans are great to tailgate with, it's just the gutties I can't stand.
We wave over fans of all types/sorts, home and away. Several years ago I had an encounter with the worst LSU tailgater I've ever met, on campus at LSU. Dad and I had just finished feeding 15+ people at Dalrymple/Infirmary. We then headed out early to spend the last 2 hours before kickoff with some friends near the Indian Mounds. They were no-shows so we headed to the hill to await the band. Our friends were supposed to have beer so we didn't carry a few extras like we usually do. It was an early out-of-conference game so the crowd was lite. A tailgate on the hill behind the journalism building had just wrapped up and we watched a large group of people depart a tent where a keg was still sittin low. Being thirsty and low on brew, we approached and asked a loan tailgater for beer. Obviously there would be some waisted beer. He agreed, but with a ridiculously rude comment on how we probably spent the day mooching off the more fortunate. I drank his beer and let the comment go. That experience and few others taught me how others feel when they're on a road trip or were unable to put a tailgate together. I've run off a few bums/homeless types who roam over from State St but I've never made a true fan feel unwelcome. I always say, Do unto others.....