Syria crosses "red line" again...

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by GregLSU, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    If they decide to attack Syria. Do like shock and awe. Hit that shithole fast and hard. Then roll the tanks and ground forces from bottom to top. Don't hang around and rebuild shit. In and out. Kill em while the killings good then get the hell out.
  2. Rex_B

    Rex_B Geaux Time

    Nov 1, 2003
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    ^Like that will happen.

    Get ready to waste another trill
  3. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Like Barry gives a shit about a trill. He's the spending pos to ever haunt the whitehouse
  4. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Screw tanks and boots on the ground, just bomb that ass and leave it in a smoldering heap of shit.
  5. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Tomahawks and smart bombs. And when they finish there. Hit the DNC.

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    shane0911 likes this.
  6. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    For the US to allow the use of chemical weapons ANYWHERE, no matter how big or small is giving every asshole who hates jelly beans a green light to do the same. I ain't crazy about another middle east conflict but this here is some shit that needs to be done. No boots necessary. Remove their air power, hit some supply routes and making em fight with an arm tied behind their back should be message enough to not be a dick. When chemical weapons are used and civilians die, diplomacy has failed. This is not a matter where embargos will be a band aid. Shit shoulda been done already.
    shane0911 likes this.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    THIS AIN'T OUR FIGHT, you stupid fucksticks. Stop thinking with your balls and use your brains. Both sides of this civil war are implacably Anti-American and anti-Israel. Syria is not a US ally, but an enemy allied with Russia and Iran. So they are killing each other. That's fucking great! We don't want either side to win. The place is not going to turn into a Jeffersonian democracy when Assad is gone, the sects will keep fighting it out to put their own strongman in power. That's fucking great! No conceivable future Syria will be pro-American. Meanwhile in a civil war, they are no use to Iran, nor to Hezbollah. Their threat to Israel will be as greatly diminished as Iraq has become. And they are not and have never been a threat to the US. Not our fight.

    Hezbollah is taking casualties fighting for Assad. Israel thinks that is fucking great! Russia is going to end up getting stuck to the tar baby here. Their only naval base outside of Russia is on the Syrian coast. It is a tiny, vulnerable piece-of-shit harbor, but it's Russian and they want it. A fragmented Syria forces Russia to get involved with one faction or the other . . . at great expense. Let those bastards subsidize a disfunctional Middle Eastern country for a while. Fucking great stuff!

    Military strikes have blowback that must be considered. Within hours of US missiles hitting targets in Syria Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza are going to launch 10,000 rockets against Israel. Possibly some angry Syrian military might do it, too. That will certainly provoke massive Israeli retaliation, possibly causing Turkey and other Muslim countries to get involved. I am greatly concerned that we have four missile destroyers in the Eastern Mediterranean without an aircraft carrier to provide air cover. Syria does have an air force with modern Russian weapons. We have nothing in this fight worth losing a capital ship.

    Afghanistan and Iraq has taught important lessons. Bombing rag heads to dirt doesn't solve all the problems. The Rags are resilient, hateful, and vengeful. I've said it time and time again, we beat these guys by turning them against each other not by giving them reason to band together to fight the Great Satan.

    We should be selectively arming the rebels, pissing off Assad, pissing off the Russians, pissing off Iran, and protecting our allies in Turkey, Israel and Jordan. We should be fomenting all the internal dissent that we can including playing the factions off against each other. We must never forget that we don't have a side in this fight. The same guys that want us to bomb Assad today are fiercely nationalistic and if they ever win they will condemn the US for daring to bomb their ancient homeland. Publicly condemn them for using chemical weapons and then laugh our asses off that our enemies are killing each other instead of arming Hezbollah, supporting Iran, and threatening Israel.

    Missiles are expensive. Save them for a fight that is in our national interests. We are not the world's fucking policeman. If the world wants us to be so, then let them foot the bill for it.
    Winston1, HalloweenRun and gyver like this.
  8. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Fuckstick? That's fresh and coming from you, unexpected and certainly unwelcoming.

    You are correct, this is not our fight but we do bare the burden for leading the worlds opinion on the use of WMD. Was our excuse for decimating Iraq. Despite the true intentions, how do we not look like assholes for going through Iraq like crap through a goose but sit idle when someone else does the same? If allowed, how do we posture ourselves against others who now think nerve and blister agents are okay? Chemical weapons can be perceived as a gateway for much worse. It is almost like dealing Iran and North Korea an ace from the bottom of the deck.

    Damned if you do but we are damned more if we don't. What do we do, send more MOPP suits to Israel?
  9. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Wonder where syria got those weapons? Hmmm, it was always rumored that the ones that were in iraq somehow made it across the border
    gyver likes this.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    It was directed at the two rapid dogs preceding you, amigo. You just got in a post while I was typing.

    How do we not look like STUPID assholes for not learning any lessons from the Iraq debacle? It was a clusterfuck! Why in the world would we repeat that? We must be smarter this time.

    It's a big world. We must stick to dealing with the important stuff. Syria is an enemy, we owe them nothing. If they use chemical weapons on us or our allies, we must take action. If they use them on themselves, let the Arab League deal with them. They have more money than us. If it is so damn bad for the world that military action must be taken, then let the UN declare it so and let the UN deal with it. If the French and the British are so concerned, let them gather support from all of NATO (as we did in Afghanistan) to attack Syria.

    Don't forget that the Russians have a naval base in Syria. How would we react if the Russians attacked a country that housed US bases? But most of all . . . what would a missile strike accomplish? It won't cause the resignation of Assad. It won't defeat the Syrian military. It won't allow the rebels to win. All it does is send a message that everybody already knows . . . that the US is entirely capable of bombing the shit out of anyone at anytime. We have just proven that we can invade and occupy any country in the middle east and stay as long as we want. We don't have to keep doing it at great expense to make the same damn point.

    Israel is more than capable of taking care of themselves. We have already provided them with an extensive Patriot II anti-missile system and the Iron Dome system to defend against rockets. They already have extensive anti-chemical equipment of their own and have had it for decades because Syria has had chemical weapons for decades. It ain't anything new for Israel.

    But I will make one prediction. If we hit Syria, we won't be hitting chemical munitions depots. They have probably already dispersed them for one thing and the risk of widespread contamination is high, risking civilian deaths. If we hit them, we will be hitting Command and Control centers, fixed anti-aircraft missiles sites, and every major radar system in the country. Then, if they retaliate against Israel, Israel will be able to utilize its air force effectively to decimate Syrian military capacity.

    Then of course, all 1,000 Syrian factions will unite in anger against Israel and the US. It just ain't our fight.

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