So maybe the MEDIA needs to stop reporting it. Ever thought about that? Maybe the Media needs to stop telling the world with every story, every minute of the day about what Trump is saying! I’d never know a thing the guy says if it weren’t for the media trying to use it to sink him! Like I said, it’s the Media ... it’s the media spreading the hate .... they are the ones making you hate Trump, and they are the ones making Trumpers hate Democrats.
Democrats at a Marsha Blackburn event start protesting during a moment of silence for the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting. These people have no soul. How can anyone be a part of that party? AR-15 and three pistols.
Hmmm....I tend to think the best solutions are formed from people truly looking to solve a problem, not their own artificial need to win. There is right and left....and extremes....and while the middle might feel warm and cozy, it's usually a blob of do-nothing goo. America isn't finding agreement on solutions mostly because America can't agree on what needs to be solved. We are polarized and always have been but politics pre-Trump quelled that dynamic. People want their say. When you tell people they need to get out the car, they are gonna find a way to get back in.
first we need to understand that what the political leaders want is different from the populace. Keeping the country divided is absoutley in the interest of the republicans and democrats. Power needs to be removed from washington so that the people can have more influence.
and that's not the racket makers, they cry and scream about the problem, and beat their chests, but they have no solutions. the Buddha said,.. choose the middle path. ... meaning in this case,.. if you go left or right, you will be drawn into battle, you will be expected to take their stance and defend it. The middle path allows you to see both sides without getting caught up in the emotions. The truth is usually in the middle. “Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed",.. .Jelaluddin Rumi
This was the original intent of the Media, before they got hijacked by the Political Left. It was the Media that kept Washington honest, ...NOW ... it is the Media contributing to the dishonesty, as they picked a side in Washington, instead of picking the side of the American Public. Unfortunately, critical thinking skills were killed off a few decades ago. So we have a bunch of Sheeple hanging on the sound bites of their preferred poison.
The people spoke when they elected Donald Trump as president. Who ever imagined he would become President 5, 10 whatever years ago? The people were tired of the establishment and voted in an outsider. And its driving the left and the media nuts.
Of course, the Left does not consider him legitimate because they believe in democracy as opposed to a democratic republic. We have their new darling (Ocasio-Cortez) ranting about doing away with the electoral college, because “democracy” on a national level is the only way the poor can vote themselves riches from the national treasury. As has been said time and time again, the Left “hates America”. They want to “fundamentally change” (Obama) America to something more to their liking .... viva la Venezuela!!