Oh hes black enough, his parents were Sharecroppers, so hes had the full black experience in America, at some point he just got tired of it :hihi: See theres another joke. However, the problem I have with Thomas among a mirad of other is a statement he made about a month ago, where he is said, to much time is focused on personal liberties. That just blew my mind.
I guess I'm of the opinion that the media pushed it because the white house leaked that it was their intention. I disagree that the media pushed the president to appoint a hispanic woman to the court. That's way worse than what I'm suggesting in my opinion. I'd rather have a pres who missteps in his nomination process versus one who is influenced by the media's whims.
Im not suggesting the media pushed him to make the choice. I am saying the media pushed the story that it would be the likely scenerio. He settled on Sotomayor, the day before they announced it. He strongly considered 2 other women.
Thats the intial list, i'm talking about the final days before the announcement, where he met with Diane Wood, Kagan, and Sotomayor. Either way, I know you dont like the pick.
I may not have ended up liking any of the picks and she will be confirmed. This is all just discussion. My point is that based on his initial draft list, it was highly likely that the candidate was going to be a female. Not saying that's good or bad, just is. I do believe she invokes a double standard when it's suitable as in this instance: The opinions of hers that were reversed are also of concern to me. Let me ask you, what do you think of her opinion upholding a NY law banning the import of wine from out of state vendors?
expand on how you see that as a double standard. I guess I'm missing your point. I think thats a bogus law to uphold, lots of states have those laws about importing and exporting laws. All of them are bogus imo. Let me ask you something, where you for or against Roberts and Alito. And also what do you think of Alito expousing that his immigrant ancestory has a barring on some of his judgement in decisions? What did you think about the college organization Alito was a part of and wrote op ed for the publication of this organization that spewed racist viewpoints? Then claiming he didnt know they had racist viewpoints, but acknowledging the viewpoints where indeed controversial?