If it is such a slam dunk that the NFL will lose, then why aren't Clarrett and Williams in the draft tommorow ?
Its not a slam dunk. But IMO this ruling will be overturned eventually, allowing players to enter the draft whenever they want. It might take a few years and I hope it never happens, but I have a feeling it will.
I think you may be mistaken about supplemental draftees not getting any money. I think they get around the same compared to a player taken in a similar position in the regular draft. A first rounder gets first round money, second rounder gets second round money, etc. It is not the same as players getting signed as free agents after the draft, where the players basically are relegated to taking what the team is willing to pay, just to get into camp. These guys here seem to know what they are talking about. http://www.baltimoresun.com/cgi-bin/ultbb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=2;t=025338
To play devil's advocate for a second.... What is the "some college" requirement that the NFL has? I believe their rule is that you must be 3 years removed from high school. They have no college requirement that I know of. 'Course I could be wrong. It's unlikely, but possible.