I have been eating a ton of fresh corn on the cob this week. My parents will stop by a farm that picks it fresh each morning and sells it within a couple of hours of being picked. (It is one of those places you have to get there right as they pick it to get any before they sell out.) They have been sharing it with us and it is sooo good. I got some bacon today and can't wait to pick some tomatoes in the morning and have bacon and tomato sandwiches for lunch tomorrow! Maybe with an ear of fresh corn. *drool*
You rich people kill me. Try some po' folk food. Fresh garden tomatoes, creamed corn, purple hull peas, butterbeans, cucumbers, squash, and cornbread with pea "lik'er".(juice) OH--sliced onions!!!!
What do you mean by "rich people"? I had to pay for that 99 cent chili dog on the installment plan. :hihi:
If you had gone on and finished at LSU, you could more than likely have paid cash for it. Oh the fruits of a good education. Youth...wasted on young people :hihi: