I'm not a criminal lawyer. Even in the criminal tax area, most tax lawyers strictly limit their representation to determining the tax "wrongs" and let a criminal lawyer handle the procedure and defense. But, I would think that there's not much the Sugar Bowl Committee can do other than fire Impastato's "contact" (which they already have). They can also make certain that he never gets tickets again in that quantity (even if he goes the "right" way). If the Sugar Bowl was a state agency (say, like, the LSU Ticket Office), then Impastato and anyone involved in the Ticket Office could be arrested for Public Corruption because the tickets assigned to LSU are "state assets" and the employees of the ticket office and the A.D.'s office have a fiduciary duty to distribute those tickets in a fair manner prescibed by the Board of Supervisors and the Legislature. However, with the Sugar Bowl Committee (and their tickets), I would think that there is no such fiduciary duty. They might be able to argue that the Sugar Bowl is "quasi public" but I doubt that would fly. Further, I don't think they could cancel those tickets (remember the tickets have to be scanned in so it would be EASY to cancel ANY tickets) because the buyers bought them in good faith in the normal course of business. The buyers would seem to be protected. The simple solution would be to put a limit of 4-10 tickets on ANYONE looking to purchase those tickets. To be honest, I think someone ought to look at DMI. Why are they the "official" travel agency of the Sugar Bowl so that they get THAT many tickets (something like 10,000) TO SCALP by including those in a "package deal". THAT sounds VERY odd. Why do you need an "official" travel agency ANYWAY? The Sugar Bowl could easily sell those tickets to the public on 3-4 year sale basis (with all money paid up front) and not lose a dime - assuming they're worried about selling the tickets in those years we don't have a NC game. This whole thing just SMELLS. And, it only came to light because LSU just happened to make it to the Sugar Bowl in a NC year. Otherwise, no one would care about a local company/businessman ripping off (i.e. "legally scalping" large number of tickets) foreign fans/tourists.
One more thing TE - like I posted in an earlier string, I would bet good money that Mr. Impastato will be getting a little letter from S. Maestri Drive in N.O. In case you're wondering who's on S. Maestri, I'll give you a little hint - they're known as F-Men. I've personally spoken with an IRS agent who told me that MANY of his audits come from reading the Times Picayune in the morning during his breakfast. This one will stick out like a turd in the punchbowl. Most "scalpers" rarely report their income. Has Impastato been reporting this income all these years???? If not, they can go back FOREVER as I'm sure they'll allege Fraud. Further, IF he hasn't been reporting this income (it will be EASY to tell because he would be required to have either a separate corporation/LLC/p'ship reporting this income or a separate Schedule C), then we're talking CRIMINAL TAX FRAUD. In short, there's a decent chance that Mr. Impastato will probably lose a lot of his "alleged" ill-gotten gain in accountant and lawyer's fees in the near future. Unless, of course, he reported everything for all these years.
Section 109- Row 30, Sold my soul to the credit card companies to get tickets,fly 900 miles and rent a room for 2 nights. It is worth every penny. The return flight has me on-board for 8:30 am Monday morning. I may miss that one. GEAUX TIGERS and everyone stay safe before and after.
Section Student. Not sure exactly where but I was told we are near the players families and they are in section 122.